Biomedical and Clinical Science

Biomedical and Clinical Science is one of our six research themes. Our research in this area provides solutions to real-world health problems using a personalised and translational approach.

Why this research matters

Providing solutions to real-world health problems remains critical for our society. Our research in the biomedical and clinical field is focused on ways to prevent and treat diseases, improving the health, wellbeing and care of people.  

Our vision and approach

Our vision is to deliver world-class biomedical and clinical research that promotes and supports healthier living, ageing and wellbeing while providing solutions to chronic conditions and global health challenges such as cancer, diabetes and dementia. This is alongside improving rehabilitation and recovery for patients. We are establishing the best interdisciplinary teams that will enable us to work across research fields to accelerate our innovative approach, which translates to real-world impact. 
Our person-centred approach works holistically across biomedical scientists, psychologists and healthcare practitioners to understand the individual and their health conditions. Personalised medicine represents one of the most innovative new concepts in healthcare. It holds real promise for more effective early diagnosis, more effective treatments for patients and improved medical services to all.

Our research

Our research is not just about making discoveries, it is about how we use those discoveries to benefit our communities and our industries. Within biomedical and clinical science, our research into areas such as cancer and Covid-19 led to discoveries that support people in their health and in managing their conditions.

Myra Conway standing outside of the Kedleston Road campus

Myra Conway
Associate Provost for Innovation and Research

Myra Conway is a Professor of Biomedical Science and is the Theme Lead for Biomedical and Clinical Science. In this role, she is responsible for leading and developing research centres across the College of Science and Engineering and the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care.

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Long-Covid research

We are leading international research to better understand the long-term implications of Covid-19. Current data highlights that 2.2 million people in the UK and 144 million people worldwide are suffering from long-term debilitating symptoms. Our research outlines important clinical, physical, psychological and biochemical markers alongside the lived experience of patients and their families.

Find out more about our long-Covid researchFind out more about our long-Covid research
Image of long covid virus

Head and neck cancer research

Human papillomavirus, more commonly referred to as HPV, is known to cause cancers of the genital tract, predominantly cervical cancer. HPV is also associated with a subset of head and neck cancers in the ‘oropharynx’ (part of the throat at the back of the mouth). Our team is investigating healthy tonsil tissues for markers of HPV infections that could be indicators of HPV-mediated cancer.

Find out more about our HPV researchFind out more about our HPV research
Image of HPV virus

Chronic pain research

Chronic pain impacts over 10 million people in the UK alone, making it highly important that we find a way to manage the illness more effectively. We are conducting research that focuses on behavioural and psychological aspects of pain management in painful chronic illnesses such as haemophilia, sickle cell disease and spinal pain.

Find out more about our chronic pain researchFind out more about our chronic pain research
Image of chronic pain
Person working in a University laboratory looking at test tubes

University awarded £5.8 million for new Bioscience Superlab

The University of Derby has been awarded £5.8 million from the Office for Students (OfS) to develop a new Bioscience Superlab.

Find out more about the Biomedical Science Super LabFind out more about the Biomedical Science Super Lab
Silhouette of a woman writing an equation on a whiteboard.

Our research students

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A diver among coral

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