Apprenticeship Research Cluster (ARC)

For centuries apprenticeships were the recognised form of training for skilled workers and were codified in the Statute of Artificers of 1563, which regulated entry to crafts through the seven-year apprenticeship. The Statute had sway until the 20th century, when the Industrial Training Boards, further education colleges, and then universities began to provide new forms of vocational education and training.

The 21st Century has seen a shift towards employer-led apprenticeships as the best form of training for skilled work, and the UK Conservative government has set a target of three million new apprenticeships, particularly promoting higher apprenticeships. The University of Derby has undertaken a major research study of employers’ experiences of higher apprenticeships (Report) and other apprenticeship studies are underway. In particular we are interested in exploring several research questions:

We welcome individual, corporate and education links and partnerships in our research. For further information please contact the ARC lead, Ruth Mieschbuehler at or 01332 592919

ARC lead

Dr Ruth Mieschbuehler, Education Researcher at the University of Derby

Members of ARC include
