MA in Career Guidance and Development - Webinars

This spring/ summer, the MA in Career Guidance and Development team at iCeGS are running a series of webinars to promote our MA programme. These are an excellent chance to learn about what an MA study in Career Guidance looks like and the benefits of coming to iCeGS to complete your MA alongside working towards the QCD.

Here is some key information about our programme:

The course is open to applicants of any (or no) career guidance experience, even without a first degree. You need to show you are up for the challenge of an MA and excited about career guidance.

You can sign up for this 1-hour webinar:

Book your place

2 students and teacher

Find out more about our MA - Career Guidance and Development

An ideal stepping stone for anyone seeking to enter the career development profession or for established professionals looking to develop their practice.

Course informationCourse information

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