
reflections on a project to develop a send alumni network

Date: 11th May 2022

Time: 4-5pm

This session is based on work that was commissioned by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) and undertaken by researchers within the Institute of Education and iCeGS.

Presenters: Dr Hannah Blake and Tom Staunton


This session is based on work that was commissioned by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) and undertaken by researchers within the Institute of Education and iCeGS. The aim of the work was to create and develop resources and run training and development sessions to aid in the creation of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Alumni Networks. In order to develop these resources and training, it was vital to first hear from the SEND community, including individuals with learning disabilities to teachers, SENCos and senior leadership teams. Through contacts within the WYCA a series of focus groups were conducted with 17 individuals across six educational establishments to gain an insight into their understanding of alumni networks, what a successful alumni network would look like and the barriers and enablers to creating a SEND alumni network in their setting. The findings from this research were then used to develop a series of free training and resources that were presented in a series of webinars with career hubs and teaching and support staff and the resources were uploaded to the Future Goals website for any schools or colleges to use freely. This session will be split in two, firstly the research and findings will be explored and then this will be followed with an explanation of how the research informed the development of materials and resources.

To view the presentation: 

Reflections on a project to develop a SEND Alumni Network