International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS)

About us

Established in 1998, the International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) is the leading international research centre in career and career guidance. Its research addresses how people develop their careers in complex modern societies and what interventions and approaches can be used to enable people to build successful careers and find their way to the good life.

The iCeGS aims to work closely with a range of clients and funders to undertake research that meets their organisational or programme needs. We are interested in interventions in schools, further and higher education, and the labour market in the public and private sectors.

The Centre undertakes a broad range of activities that inform the development of national services, including:

  • evaluation of learning or guidance programmes and widening access
  • comprehensive literature reviews
  • impact assessments
  • strategic projects

The iCeGS also undertakes blue skies research that examines the theoretical and conceptual basis of career and career guidance.  

The Centre has extensive experience in responding to tenders and working to briefs, as well as an ability to generate creative research projects that anticipate emerging needs.

Join us

If you are interested in joining this research centre, want to find out more or are interested in applying for a PhD in this area, please contact Professor Siobhan Neary.

Research Centre Team

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review