Creative and Cultural Industries Research Centre

The Creative and Cultural Industries Research Centre unites the activities that shape the interdisciplinary research landscape in the arts and humanities around a common purpose and intent. Our academic research focuses on increasing the understanding of the shifting boundaries and new relationships within artistic and humanities-based practice and theory, exploiting the potential of overlap and merger across disciplines to create new and dynamic knowledge. We share our research through our creative practice, exhibitions, events and published research.

Our aims

Our centre of excellence explores and communicates the research and its interdisciplinary impacts in diverse ways, through clusters focused on animal studies, art and wellbeing, pedagogy in practice, situated knowledge and place, social and political history, and literary and communication studies. Our researchers explore the potential of hybrid art forms made possible by using digitisation alongside traditional art and design media, performing and therapeutic arts, film and media, humanities and publishing, and collaborations across disciplinary boundaries. The research illuminates and challenges cultural values and social assumptions within civil society to benefit local, national and international communities and organisations. As well as influencing public and stakeholder activity. We share and disseminate our research and its impact through our creative practice, exhibitions, conferences and events as well as through published research.  
We are active in national and international research events and activities, such as the FORMAT International Film and Photography Festival, a biennial held across the city of Derby, and the Being Human festival. 

Join us

If you are interested in joining the research centre or would like to find out more about how we could collaborate with you, please contact Professor Ang Bartram or Professor John Steel.

If you are interested in applying for a PhD, please contact: