Digital and Material Artistic Research Cluster

The Digital and Material Artistic Research Cluster (DMARC) is the academic research centre for our School of Arts. Our focus for DMARC is to increase understanding of the shifting boundaries and new relationships within artistic research practice and theory.


DMARC is the home to artistic research from the disciplines of Performing Arts, Music, Media, Art and Design within the School of Arts. Among other forms, our researchers explore the potential of hybrid art forms made possible by using digitalisation alongside the traditional arts, collaboration and working across disciplines. We share our research through our practice, exhibitions and published text.

We are active in many national and international research events and activities, such as the FORMAT International Film and Photography Festival held in Derby and the Heritage Lottery-funded DerwentWISE project. 

An exhibition of the artistic research of our academics celebrates the uniqueness of artistic research and its possibilities. Books, films, objects, drawings and prints are among the creative artefacts included to show the diversity of artistic delivery that is possible. We held our Arts Research Exhibition 2018 at our Markeaton Street site in Derby.

Angela Bartram dogs and owners

Our research groups

Our DMARC research is based around research groups.

Alice Marshall dance performance
Robert Burstow Sculpture in the Home Exhibition

Your PhD - study with us

We welcome applications for PhD artistic research study in practice and theory. We can offer you an intellectually stimulating environment through the subject clusters of Media, Performing Arts, Art and Design. Our PhD programme gives you a freedom to pursue new and innovative ideas within and beyond these areas, guided by experienced and leading academics in the field and sector.

Interdisciplinary and cross-school research projects are considered, such as those that straddle Arts and Health and Arts and Humanities. We are open to discussing proposals that stimulate and engage through creative exploration and invite you to enquire about ways we can support your PhD study. We also have a number of self-funded PhD options that are aligned to the research strengths of our staff.

If you would like to discuss your project proposal with us, then please contact Dr Angela Bartram, Head of Arts Research and DMARC, at and Dr Robert Burstow, Post-Graduate Research Lead for the School of Arts, at

Alternatively, please contact the project supervisor/s of the self-funded PhD you are interested in pursuing. 

Sadie Wechsler's Takeoff of a rocket heading through the clouds

FORMAT International Photography Festival

FORMAT is the UK’s leading biennial festival of contemporary photography and is organised in Derby by QUAD and our Digital and Material Artistic Research Centre (DMARC).

Find out more about FORMATFind out more about FORMAT

Our objectives

The objectives of DMARC are to:

Marc Bosward Untitled Work in Progress collage

Our events

We hold our regular Arts Talk series with guest speakers. 


Paul Hurley

5-6pm Wednesday 28 November

Room MS146 School of Arts,
Markeaton Street,

Michael Schwab

5-6pm Wednesday 14 November

Room MS023 School of Arts,
Markeaton Street,

Steve Baker
Between theory and practice: art and the question of contemporaneity

5-6pm Wednesday 31 October

Room MS146 School of Arts,
Markeaton Street,

Dr Michael Lent

5-6pm Wednesday 17 October

Room MS146 School of Arts,
Markeaton Street,

Tim Etchells  5-6pm Wednesday 26 September Room MS146 School of Arts,
Markeaton Street,
Confetti falling at S.H.E.D

S.H.E.D (Social Higher Education Depot)

S.H.E.D is our mobile arts commissioning venue and public space. Transformed from an old garden shed, it is now a place for conversation and an alternative site for artistic practice.

Find out how you can use S.H.E.D to engage your audienceFind out how you can use S.H.E.D to engage your audience