Girijavallabhan, A. and Wiggins, B. (2024). A Subjective Comparison of Virtual Stereo Microphone Techniques for Rendering Ambisonics. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. 46 (3), pp. 1-16.
Wilson, D., Bousbaine, A. and Wiggins, B. (2024). Dynamic characterisation of a linearised transfer function of non-ideal buck converters. 13th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2024). IEEE.
Hammond, R. D. (2024). Analysis and Modelling of Human Impact on Sound Reinforcement and Reproduction in Large Spaces. PhD Thesis University of Derby School of Engineering.
Digby, J.J. and Hill, A.J. (2024). Enhanced sound level monitoring at live events by measuring audio programme loudness. Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2024
Mulder, J.; A.J. Hill (2024). Sound Level Measurement, Monitoring and Management in Small Music Venues: Leq Averaging Time Interval. 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, Le Mans, France. January, 2024.
Hill, A.J. (2024). Signal decorrelation for sound reinforcement system crossovers. 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, Le Mans, France. January, 2024.
Hill, A.J.; K. Liston; I. Wiggins; G. Naylor. (2024). A case study on practical live event sound exposure monitoring. 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, Le Mans, France. January, 2024.
Gilmour, R.; J. Burton; A.J. Hill. (2023). An investigation into the effect of sweat and moisture on the performance of in-ear monitors. Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
Gilfillan, D.; G. Leembruggen; A.J. Hill. (2023). The ICOSSA Project – An improved omnidirectional sound source for room acoustic testing. Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
Hourani, C.; A.J. Hill. (2023). Towards a subjective quantification of noise annoyance due to outdoor events. Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
Szoke, Z.; J. Burton; A. Hill; M. Dring. (2023). The effect of purported acoustically transparent materials on sound propagation. Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
Gardner, J.; G. Hance; A.J. Hill. (2023). Inaudibility criteria and alternative methods for controlling music noise levels from late night entertainment. Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
Dring, M. and Wiggins, B. (2023). Browser-Based Webcam Head-Tracked Ambisonics (WHAM). Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA). IEEE.
Kok, Marcel; A. Hill; J. Mulder; J. Burton; M. Lawrence. "The influence of audience participatory noise on sound levels at live events." INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. Vol. 265. No. 6. Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2023.
Burton, J. A. Hill. “Using cognitive psychology and neuroscience to better inform sound system design at large musical events.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
Duncan Werner; Wiggins, Bruce; Emma Fitzmaurice; and Matthew Hart. Guitars with Ambisonic Spatial Performance (GASP): An immersive guitar system. Torres, R., Brandon, A., & Noble, J. (Eds.). (2023).
Hill, A.J.; J. Mulder; J. Burton; M. Kok; M. Lawrence, “Sound level monitoring at live events, Part 3 – Improved tools and procedures.” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 70, no. 1/2, pp. 73-82. January, 2022.
Mulder, J.; A.J. Hill; J. Burton; M. Kok; M. Lawrence, “Sound level monitoring at live events, Part 2 – Regulations, practices, and preferences.” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 70, no. 1/2, pp. 62-72. January, 2022.
Middlicott, C.J. and Wiggins, B.J., (2022) Capsule Calibration Approaches for Low-Cost Higher Order Ambisonic Microphone Arrays. In Audio Engineering Society Convention 153. Audio Engineering Society.
Hill, A.J., Mulder, J., Burton, J., Kok, M., and Lawrence, M.. 'Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 1–Live Dynamic Range'. J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 782–792. November, 2021.
Mulder, J.; A. Hill; J. Burton; M. Kok; M. Lawrence; E. Shabalina. Education and Certification in Sound Pressure Level Measurement, Monitoring and Management at Entertainment Events. AES International Conference on Audio Education. July, 2021.
Dring, M. and Wiggins, B., 2021. WHAM: TO ASYMMETRY AND BEYOND!. Reproduced Sound 2021, Vol. 43 Pt. (2). Available at:
Werner, D., Wiggins, B., Fitzmaurice, E. (2021) 'Development of an Ambisonic Guitar System GASP: Guitars with Ambisonic Spatial Performance', in Hepworth-Sawyer, R. (ed.), Paterson, J. (ed.), Toulson, R. (ed.) Innovation in Music Future Opportunities, Abington, Routledge pp. 125-145.
Hill, A.J.; J. Burton. A case study on the impact live event sound level regulations have on sound engineering practice. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound (online). November, 2020.
Hill, A.J. (chairman and editor). Understanding and managing sound exposure and noise pollution at outdoor events. AES Technical Document AESTD1007.1.20-05. May, 2020.
Dring, M., Wiggins, B. (2020) WHAM: Webcam Head-tracked AMbisonics. Reproduced Sound 2020 - Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol. 42. Pt. 3 2020, UK
Hill, A.J.; J. Mulder; M. Kok; J. Burton; A. Kociper; A. Berrios. A case study on sound level monitoring and management at large-scale music festivals. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Bristol, UK. November, 2019.
Hill, A.J.; J.B. Moore. Optimizing Wide-Area Sound Reproduction Using a Single Subwoofer with Dynamic Signal Decorrelation. 146th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Dublin, Ireland. March 2019.
Hammond, R; P. Mapp; A.J. Hill. Modelling the Effects of Spectator Distribution and Capacity on Speech Intelligibility in a Typical Soccer Stadium. 146th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Dublin, Ireland. March 2019.
Dring, M., Wiggins, B. (2019) The Transparency of Binaural Auralisation Using Very High Order Circular Harmonics. Reproduced Sound 2019 - Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, p165-173, Vol. 41. Pt. 3 2019, Bristol, UK
Middlicott, C., Wiggins, B. (2019). Calibration Approaches for Higher Order Ambisonic Microphones. In: 147th AES Convention. [online] New York: Audio Engineering Society.
Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Live sound loudspeaker array optimization for consistent directional coverage with diffuse radiation characteristics. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Bristol, UK. November, 2018.
Hammond, R.; A.J. Hill; P. Mapp. Investigation into the relationship between standing audience density and absorption. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Bristol, UK. November, 2018.
Moore, J.B.; A.J. Hill. Dynamic diffuse signal processing for sound reinforcement and reproduction. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 953-965. November, 2018.
Hammond, R.; A.J. Hill; P. Mapp. On the Accuracy of Audience Implementations in Acoustic Computer Modelling. 145th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, USA. October, 2018.
Hill, A.J. Live sound subwoofer system performance quantification. 144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Milan, Italy. May, 2018.
Middlicott, C. ,Wiggins, B. (2018) Development of Ambisonic Microphone Design Tools-Part 1, ebrief 489 at Audio Engineering Society Convention 145, New York, USA