
iCeGS has published an extensive library of publications that have developed theory, policy, and practice in careers and career guidance. Most of our publications are free online, but we also have some volumes you can purchase from the iCeGS bookshop. 

iCeGS publications include material that we have produced in partnership with other organisations, scholarly publications, and practitioner journals.

iCeGS Publications

Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G., Hooley, T., Borbély-Pecze, T.B., Clobes, N., McCarthy, J. and Hopkins, S. (2025). Career guidance in public employment services. Derby WAPES. 

Jai, W., Pan, L., Neary, S. and Moore, N. (2025). Interdisciplinary knowledge flow in international higher education research: Characteristics and mechanisms. Education Sciences. 15 (2), pp. 1-17.

Rice, S. and Hooley, T. (2025). How can and should secondary school teachers be involved inbuilding students’ career knowledge and skills? A Delphi study of the expert community. Journal of Education and Work. 37 (5-6), pp. 1-19.

Staunton, T. (2025). An exploration of tensions amongst career guidance practitioners when it comes to the conceptualisation of digital technology. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. pp. 1-17. 

Bakke, I.B. and Hooley, T. (2024). Career guidance reform in Norway: A critical account of the last twenty years . in: Bakke, I. M., Bakke, I. B. and Schulstok, T. (ed.) Ikke bare god å snakke med: Om profesjonalisering av karriereveilederrollen i Norge Bergen Fagbokforlaget. pp. 305-326 

Bakke, I. B., Hooley, T., Kavková, E., Košťálová, H., Lucas Casanova, M., Ostroha, L., Šprlák, T., & Wrzosek, M. (2024). Evidence on green guidance: A review of the literature. Exploring Green Guidance.  

Godden, L., Moore, N., Nesbitt, H., & Merchant, S. (2024). Career-related learning in elementary schools: Seriously? Canadian Association of Principals.  

Godden, L., Moore, N., Nesbitt, H., & Merchant, S. (2024). Embracing the role of career educator: Exploring possibilities in elementary schools. Canadian Association of Principals.  

Godden, L., Moore, N., Nesbitt, H., & Merchant, S. (2024). Exploring possibilities! Journeying through career-related learning in grades 4-6: A Teaching Toolkit. CERIC.  

Hanson, J., Blake, H., & Clark, L. (2024). Using community interaction theory to understand the effects of group mentoring on adolescents. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 26(1), 34-62(29). 

Hooley, T. (2024). Career and sustainability. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 53 (1), pp. 3-7. 

Hooley, T., Alexander, R. and Frigerio, G. (2024). The Career Development Handbook. Bath Trotman. 

Hooley, T. and Blake, H. (2024). A guide to work experience: Using the ILO's career development framework to support work experience in education and training in low- and middle-income countries. Geneva International Labour Organization 

Hooley, T., Blake, H., Moreno da Fonseca, P. and Ribeiro, M (2024). Developing a career development framework for low- and middle-income countries: Underpinning research for the ILO's career development framework. Geneva, Switzerland International Labour Organization. 

Hooley, T., Bakke, I. B., Casanova, M. L., Kavková, E., Košťálová, H., Ostroha, L., Šprlák, T., & Wrzosek, M. (2024). Policies for a green transition: Exploring contemporary environmental and sustainability policies for green guidance. Exploring Green Guidance. 

Hooley, T., Bakke, I. B., Casanova, M. L., Kavková, E., Košťálová, H., Ostroha, L., Šprlák, T., & Wrzosek, M. (2024). Practitioners’ perspectives on green guidance: An international survey. Exploring Green Guidance. 

Hooley, T., & Buchanan, R. (2024). Online research: Research methods. Bloomsbury Academic. 

Hooley, T., Hertzberg, F., Mariager-Anderson, K., Saur, H., Sundelin, A., Varjo, J., Vilhjálmsdóttir, G. T., & Valdimarsdóttir, S. (2024). A systematic review of research into career guidance policy in the Nordic countries (2008-2022). Nordic Journal of Studies in Education Policy 10(2), 126-139. 

Hooley, T., Thomsen, R., & Debono, M. (2024). A legacy of solidaric critique and hope for a better world: A meditation on the scholarly contribution of Ronald Sultana. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 52(1), 10-24. 

Hughes, D., McCormack, D., Neary, S., & King, P. (2024). Praxis in guidance and counselling: New frontiers. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 52(1), 1-6. 

International Network of Employers and University Careers Services, Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. (2024). Taking early careers global: Global employers’ insights survey. Northampton The International Network of Employers and University Careers Services. 

Institute of Student Employers, Lai, K. T, Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. (2024). Student recruitment survey 2024. United Kingdom Institute of Student Employers. 


Jeon, S., Mann, A., Denis, V. and Hooley, T. (2024). Challenging Social Inequality Through Career Guidance: Insights from International Data and Practice. Paris Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

Jynge, J., Bakke, I. and Hooley, T. (2024). Exploring Practitioners’ Pedagogic Stances in Relation to Integrated Guidance: A Q-Method Study. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance. 5 (1), pp. 55-72. 

Lauder, L. & Neary, S. (2024). The role and relevance of pedagogic contexts in training adult careers professionals. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 51(1) 67-80  

Moore, N. (2024). Career echo chambers and the impact of algorithms on career choice: What do career practitioners need to know? Career Matters 12.1. The CDI

Neary, S., Blake, H., Lai, K. and Rose, P. (2024). Evaluation of Post 19 Benchmarks . Derby iCeGS, University of Derby. 

OECD. (2024). Challenging social inequality through career guidance: Insights from international data and practice. OECD. 

Schulstok, T., Hooley, T., & Thomsen, R. (2024). Career guidance for social justice: What can it mean for Norwegian career counsellors. In I. M. Bakke., I. B. Bakke., & T. Schulstok (Eds.), Not just good to talk to: Professionalisation of the career counsellor role in Norway (pp. 203-221). Fagbokforlaget (replaces current reference in Norwegian) 

Schulstok, T., Hooley, T. and Thomsen, R. (2024). Karriereveiledning for sosial rettferdighet - Hva kan det bety for norske karriereveiledere. in: Bakke, I. M., Bakke, I. B. and Schulstok, T. (ed.) Ikke bare god å snakke med: Om profesjonalisering av karriereveilederrollen i Norge Bergen Fagbokforlaget. pp. 203-221. 

Schulstok, T., Kjærgård, R., Hanson, J. and Hooley, T. (2024). Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in Norway? Validating the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) with Norwegian Career Counsellors. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning. 13 (1), pp. 20-42. 

Thomsen, R., & Hooley, T. (2024). In memory of Ronald Sultana. Career Matters. 

Vahidi, G., Barnard, S., & Arnold, A. (2024). Parallel representations: Career development in media and academic literature. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 52(1), 52-66. 

Vahidi, G., Rose, P. and Neary, S. (2024). Gatsby Good Career Guidance: Informational Interviews Report. London Gatsby Foundation. 

Vahidi, G., Lai, K., Hooley, T. and Rose, P. (2024). Gatsby Good Career Guidance: Consultation Survey. London Gatsby Foundation. 

Vilhjálmsdóttir, G (2024). Counselling Socially Disadvantaged Clients (iCeGS Annual Lecture 2024). iCeGS Annual Lecture 2024. International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby. 

Williams, J., Rosolin, B., Newton, B., Neary, S., Blake, H., & Rose, P. (2024). Effective Transitions Fund evaluation. Institute for Employment Studies.   


Alexander, R., Hooley, T., & Mellors-Bourne, R. (2023). Supporting local students: An evaluation of the Office for Students Challenge Competition: Industrial strategy and skills support for local students and graduates. Office for Students. 

Anastasiou, E., Neary, S. & Lawson, A. (2023). Mind the gap: Employers’ and students’ perceptions of skills and knowledge needed by accounting graduates in Greece. In S. L. Hansen & K. Daniels (Eds.), How to enable the employability of university graduates (pp. 67-78). Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Hooley, T. (2023). On embracing automation and loving work: Or why we should not be afraid of our washing machines. In D. L. Blustein & L. Y. Flores (Eds.), Rethinking work: Essays on building a better workplace. Routledge (pp. 242-246). 

Hooley, T. (2023). Impartiality: A critical review. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 50(1), 41-53. 

Hooley, T. (2023). The future isn’t what it used to be! Revisiting the changing world of work after Covid-19. In M. V. Buford., M. J. Sharp., & M. J. Stebleton (Eds.), Mapping the future of undergraduate career education: Equitable career learning, development, and preparation in the new world of work (pp. 38-51). 

Hooley, T., Hanson, J., & Clark, L. (2023). Exploring students’ and graduates’ attitudes to the process of transition to the labour market. Industry and Higher Education, 37(1), 121–134. 

Hooley, T., Percy, C. & Neary, S. (2023). Investing in careers: What is career guidance worth? University of Derby. 

Hooley, T., & Thomsen, R. (2023). A reflection on the legacy of Ronald Sultana. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning, 12(1), 79-86. 

Institute of Student Employers. (2023). Student development survey 2023. Institute of Student Employers. 

Moore, N. (2023). Getting to chartered status: An update. Career Matters 11 (1). Career Development Institute. pp. 36-37. 

Moore, N. (2023). Step Outside Your Comfort ZoneCareer Matters 11.2. The Career Development Institute. pp. 22-23. 

Moore, N., Blake, H., & Lai, T. (2023). Getting to Chartered Status: Understanding the views of stakeholders: Final report. University of Derby. 

Moore, N., Blake, H., & Lai, T. (2023). Getting to Chartered Status: Understanding the views of stakeholders: Executive summary. University of Derby.  

Moore, N. & Neary, S. (2023). The International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS). Career Matters, 11 (4) 16-17. 

Robertson, P. (2023). Career development as freedom . iCeGS Annual Lecture 2023 . International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby. 

Percy, C., & Hooley, T. (2023). Lessons for career guidance from return-on-investment analyses in complex education-related fields. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 52(3), 503-521.  

Zahid, G., & Neary, S. (2023). Faculty members’ perceptions of internationalization of curriculum: Globalization and localization, a comparative study. Asian Education and Development Studies, 12(2/3), 166-180. 

Zahid, G., & Staunton, T. (2023). The place of culture in the training of career guidance educators. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(6), 997-1008.  

Andrews, D., & Hooley, T. (2022). The careers leader handbook (2nd ed.). Trotman Indigo Publishing Ltd. 

Bakke, I. B., & Hooley, T. (2022). Neither online, nor face-to-face, but integrated career guidance: Introducing new ways of engaging undergraduate students in career learning and reflective careering. In M. V. Buford., M. J. Sharp., & M. J. Stebleton (Eds.), Mapping the future of undergraduate career education: Equitable career learning, development, and preparation in the new world of work (pp.138-154). Routledge. 

Bakke, I.B. & Hooley, T. (2022). I don’t think anyone here has thought about career really: What the concept of ‘career’ means to Norwegian teenagers and school counsellors. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66(1), 73-87. 

Blake, H. & Percy, C. (2022). Evaluation of the impact of the STEM ambassadors programme upon STEM ambassadors. STEM Learning Ltd. 

Blake, H., Hanson, J., Neary, S. and Alexander, R. (2022). SCiP alliance thriving lives toolkit enhancement project. University of Derby. 

Dodd, V., Hanson, J., & Hooley, T. (2022). Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: Measuring the impact with a validated measure. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(2), 260-272. 

Godden, L., Moore, N., Nesbitt, H., & Merchant, S. (2022). Supporting career development in children: A review of business and industry partnerships. Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling. 

Hanson, J., Blake, H., & Neary, S. (2022). SCiP alliance thriving lives toolkit: Implementation and impact evaluation. University of Derby. 

Hooley, T. (2022). Delivering career education in the post pandemic world. Melbourne Education Service Australia. 

Hooley, T. (2022). The impact of Covid-19 on career. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 48(1), 3-12.  

Hooley, T. (2022). Building a radical career imaginary: Using Laclau and Mouffe and Hardt and Negri to reflexively re-read Ali and Graham’s counselling approach to career guidance. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(4), 660-675. 

Hooley, T., Bennett, D., & Knight, E. (2022). Rationalities that underpin employability provision in higher education across eight countries. Higher Education. 86, 1003-1023. 

Hooley, T., & Godden, L. (2022). Theorising career guidance policymaking: Watching the sausage get made. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(1), 141-156. 

Knight, E., Staunton, T., & Healy, M. (2022). About university career services’ interaction with EdTech. In A. Kaplan (Eds.), Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education (pp. 303-315). Cambridge University Press.

Moore, N. (2022). The fifth career leaders conference. Career Matters 10.4, 26-27. Stourbridge, The Career Development Institute. 

Moore, N., Godden, L., Merchant, S., & Nesbitt, H. (2022). Supporting career development in children: A literature review. Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling. 

Nesbitt, H., Godden, L., Merchant, S., & Moore, N. (2022). Supporting career development in children: Curriculum and policy review. Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling. 

Ribeiro, M. (2022). Constructing contextualised theories in career guidance and counselling – A North-South intercultural dialogue. University of Derby. 

Alexander, R., Hooley, T., & Percy, C. (2021). Exploring Scotland's career ecosystem. Skills Development Scotland.

Blake, H., Hanson, J., & Clark, L. (2021). The importance of an inclusive alumni network for ensuring effective transitions into employment and future destinations for people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(4), 445-455.

Dodd, V., Hanson, J., & Hooley, T. (2021). Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: measuring the impact with a validated measure. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(2), 260-272.

Hanson, J., Moore, N., Clark, L., & Neary, S. (2021). An evaluation of the North East of England pilot of the Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance. University of Derby.

Hanson, J., Neary, S., & Blake, H. (2021). Personal Guidance Fund evaluation: Final report. The Careers & Enterprise Company.

Hanson, J., Robinson, D., & Codina, G. (2021). Supported internships as a vehicle for social inclusion. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(4), 433-444.

Hearne, L., & Neary, S. (2021). Let’s talk about career guidance in secondary schools! A consideration of the professional capital of school staff in Ireland and England. International Journal for Educational & Vocational Guidance, 21, 1-14.

Hooley, T., & Schulstok, T. (2021). Training careers professionals: Underpinning research for the C-Course programme. Inland Norway University of Applied Science.

Hooley, T. (2021). Can life design contribute to the fight for decent work and a sustainable future? Reflections on interventions in career design and education. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 49(2), 316-319.

Hooley, T. (2021). Career Development Framework. Career Development Institute.

Hooley, T. (2021). Career education: Every teacher has a role. Education Services Australia.

Hooley, T. (2021). Career education in primary school. Education Service Australia.

Hooley, T. (2021). Hope for 2021: The importance of career guidance to the Covid and post-Covid world. European University Cyprus.

Hooley, T. (2021). Redeveloping the CDI framework. Career Development Institute.

Hooley, T. (2021). Reimagining the CDI career development framework. Career Development Institute.

Hooley, T. (2021). The Skills for Jobs White Paper: Implications for career development. Career Development Institute.

Hooley, T. (2021). Why we need to share our ideas about connecting career development to social justice. Careering.

Hooley, T., Sultana, R., & Thomsen, R. (2021). Five signposts to a socially just approach to career guidance. Journal of the National Institute of Career Education and Counselling, 47(1), 59-66.

Hooley, T., & Godden, L. (2021). Theorising career guidance policymaking: Watching the sausage get made. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(1), 141-156. 


Kotera, Y., Ting, SH., & Neary, S. (2021). Mental health of Malaysian students: UK comparison, and relationship between negative mental health, self-compassion, and reliance. Higher Education, 81, 403-419.

Košťálová, H., & Cudlínová, M. (2021). A practitioner's guide to uncharted waters of career counselling: A critical reflection perspective. EKS.

McCash, P., Hooley, T., & Robertson, P. J. (2021). Introduction: Rethinking career development. In P. Roberston., T. Hooley., & P. McCash (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Career Development (pp. 1-20). Oxford University Press.

Mackay, S., Morris, M., Hooley, T., Neary, S., Murray, R., Blake, H., & Agur, M. (2021). Maximising the impact of careers services on career management skills: A review of the literature. University of Derby.

Moore, N. (2021, October). Should career development be a chartered profession? Career Matters, 9(4), 30-31.

Moore, N. (2021). What has digital technology done for us and how can we evolve as a sector to make best use of what it has to offer? Journal of the National Institute of Career Education and Counselling, 46, 25-31.

Moore, N., Clark, L., Neary, S., & Blake, H. (2021). Crucial impacts on career choices: Research to understand the influences on young people’s choices in primary and secondary schools: Executive summary. University of Derby.

Neary, S., Hooley, T., Morris, M., Mackay, S., Blake, H., & Agur, M. (2021). The impact of career guidance on progression in learning and work: A literature review. University of Derby.

Rice, S., Hooley, T., & Crebbin, S. (2021). Approaches to quality assurance in school-based career development: Policymaker perspectives from Australia. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 50(1), 110-127.

Staunton, T., & Rogosic, K. (2021). Labour market information and social justice: A critical examination. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, 21, 697-715.

Staunton, T. (2021). Exploring critical perspectives on labour market information through the lens of elite graduate recruitment. Higher Education Quarterly, 76(2), 422-435.

Thambar, N., Neary, S., & Zlatic, F. (2021). The 21st century HE careers professional. Higher Education Careers Service Unit.

Varjo, J., Kalalahti, M., & Hooley, T. (2021). Actantial construction of career guidance in parliament of Finland’s education policy debates 1967–2020. Journal of Education Policy, 37(6), 1009-1027.

Albien, A. J., Poulsen, B. K., Toiviainen, S., Kekki, M., & Hooley, T. (2020). Listening to new voices in the career development field. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 45(1), 2-5.  

Bakke, I. B., & Hooley, T. (2020). I don’t think anyone here has thought about career really: What the concept of ‘career’ means to Norwegian teenagers and school counsellors. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66(1), 73-87.  

Brown, C., Hooley, T., & Wond, T. (2020). Building career capital: Developing business leaders’ career mobility. Career Development International, 25(5), 445-459.  

Dimitrellou, E., & Moore, N. (2020). Evaluating the impact of the Team Programme on the outcomes for student-alumni. University of Derby.  

Foster, R., Svanaes, S., Howell, S., Neary, S., Everitt, J., & Dodd, V. (2020). Hours spent building skills and employability. Department for Education.  

Galfalvi, E., Hooley, T., & Neary, S. (2020). Are young people aged 16-19 using or expecting to use the gig economy for their careers? Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 45(1), 34-40.  

Gough, J., & Neary, S. (2020). The career development profession: Professionalisation, professionalism, and professional Identity. In P. Robertson., T. Hooley., & P. McCash (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Career Development (pp. 257-268). Oxford University Press.  

Hagaseth, E. H., Hooley, T., Kettunen, J., & Thomsen, R. (2020). Setting Nordic career guidance in context. In E. H. Hagaseth., T. Hooley., J. Kettunen., & R. Thomsen (Eds.), Career and career guidance in the Nordic countries (pp. 1-20). Brill.  

Hanson, J., & Burke, C. (2020). Addressing unrealistic optimism with counterfactual reasoning in an employability module in higher education. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13(3), 830-848.  

Hanson, J., & Clark, L. (2020). Future frontiers: The impact of career coaching on year 11 students. IAEVG.  

Hanson, J., & Neary, S. (2020). The Gatsby Benchmarks and social mobility: Impacts to date. IAEVG.  


Hooley, T. (2020). Recognising the changing labour market. Jisc and Prospects. 

Hooley, T. (2020, November 12). A global pandemic and its aftermath: The way forward for career guidance [Keynote lecture]. Austrian Euroguidance Conference, Online.  

Hooley, T. (2020, January). Election over, Brexit next. But, what is the future for career guidance? Career Matters, 8(1), 14-15.  

Hooley, T. (2020). Save the student labour market! The Student Employer.  

Hooley, T. (2020). Online career information and career development. Education Service Australia.  

Hooley, T. (2020). Career development and human capital theory: Preaching the ‘education gospel’. In P. Robertson., T. Hooley., & P. McCash (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Career Development (pp. 49-64). Oxford University Press.  

Hooley, T. (2020). Pining for the fjords: International perceptions of work, education and career guidance. In E. H. Hagaseth., T. Hooley., J. Kettunen., & R. Thomsen (Eds.), Career and career guidance in the Nordic countries (pp. 37-50). Brill.  

Hooley, T., & Staunton, T. (2020). The role of digital technology in career development. In P. Robertson., T. Hooley., & P. McCash (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Career Development (pp. 297-312). Oxford University Press.  

Hooley, T., Thomsen, R., & Sultana, R. (2020, April). Shaping the new normal: Practising career guidance in the time of coronavirus. Career Matters, 8(2), 12-13.  

Lauder, L., & Neary, S. (2020). The role and relevance of theory in careers professionalisation and practice. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 48(4), 477-488.  

Mellors-Bourne, R., & Hooley, T. (2020). 'It helps to have more strings to your bow’. Exploring the careers and success of graduates of the conservatoire for dance and drama. CRAC.  

Neary, S. (2020). Diversifying the careers workforce: opportunities and challenges. Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration, 25(2), 65-81.  

Neary, S., & Hanson, J. (2020, January). The personal guidance fund-developing new and innovative practice. Career Matters, 8(1), 20-21.  

Robinson, D., Codina, G., Dimitrellou, E., & Hanson, J. (2020). Careers coaching for social justice: The case of school leadership and inclusive education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. University of Derby.  

Williams, J., Akehurst, G., Alexander, K., Pollard, E., Williams, C., & Hooley, T. (2020). Evaluation of the careers leader training. Institute for Employment Studies.  

Andrews, D. (2019). Is Gatsby great for careers education? A vision for the future of career learning in schools. University of Derby.  

Andrews, D., & Hooley, T. (2019). Careers leadership in practice: A study of 27 careers leaders in English secondary schools. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 47(5), 556-558.  

Atkins, L. (2019). Pride and prospects: Developing a socially just Level 1 curriculum to enable more positive school to work transitions. University of Derby.  

Ball, C., & Hooley, T. (2019). Spatial justice – The final frontier for diversity and inclusion? The Student Employer.  

Burke, C., Neary, S., Hanson, J., Parker, G., Everitt, J., & Clark, L. (2019). Supporting service children in school: An organisational improvement framework. University of Derby.  

Clark, L. (2019). Evaluation of the INSPiRED teenager programme. University of Derby.  

Dodd, V., Haug. E. H., Hooley, T., & Neary, S. (2019). Quality assurance standards: A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries: Summary report. University of Derby.  

Dodd, V., Hooley, T., & Burke, C. (2019). Decent work in the UK: Context, conceptualisation, and assessment. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 112, 270-281.  

Hanson, J., & Clark, L. (2019). Evaluation of the Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Collaborative Outreach Programme. University of Derby.  

Hanson, J., & Clark, L. (2019). Future Frontiers: The impact of career coaching on career readiness and indicators of successful transitions in Year 11 pupils. Future Frontiers.  

Hanson, J., Vigurs, V., Moore, N., Everitt, J., & Clark, L. (2019). Gatsby careers benchmark North East implementation pilot: Interim evaluation (2015-2017). University of Derby.  

Hooley, T. (2019). Beyond Brexit. Institute of Student Employers.  

Hooley, T. (2019). Career guidance and the changing world of work: Contesting responsibilising notions of the future. In M. A. Peters., P. Jandric., & A. J. Means (Eds.), Education and technological unemployment (pp. 175-191). Springer. 

Hooley, T. (2019). International approaches to quality in career guidance. Competence Norway.  

Hooley, T. (2019). Know your mean from your median. Institute of Student Employers.  

Hooley, T. (2019). The different skills of apprentices and graduates. Institute of Student Employers.  

Hooley, T. (2019). Why higher apprenticeships are critical to business. Open Access Government.  

Moore, N. (2019, June). Nudge theory: Should career development practitioners have a position? Career Matters, 7(3), 10-11.  

Moore, N., & Czerwinska, K. (2019). Understanding the use of digital technology in the career development sector. University of Derby.  

Neary, S. (2019). Introducing a fellowship scheme for the CDI. Career Matters.  

Robinson, D., Moore, N., & Harris, C. (2019). The impacts on social inclusion and development and well-being among children and young people with severe and profound learning disabilities: Recognising the unrecognised cohort. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47(2), 91-104.  

Staunton, T. (2019). Career guidance for social justice: Contesting neoliberalism. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 47(5), 655-657.  

Staunton, T. (2019). Icarus, grannies, black holes and the death of privacy: Exploring the use of digital networks for career enactment. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 48(5), 611-622.  

Vigurs, K. (2019). Exorcising an ethnography in limbo. In R. J. Smith & S. Delamont (Eds.), The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were (Studies in qualitative methodology, vol. 17) (pp. 133-146). Emerald Publishing Limited. 

Weller, P., Neary, S., Artess, J., & Sahar, A. (2019). Leadership and ministry, lay and ordained: Insights from rural multi-church groups. University of Derby.  

Zahid, G., Hooley, T., & Neary, S. (2019). Careers work in higher education in Pakistan: Current practice and options for the future. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 48(4), 443-453.  

Boyask, R. and Vigurs, K. (2018). 'Developing a Methodology for Public Engagement with Critical Research' Policy Futures in Education, 16 (2), pp. 217-231

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Robinson, D., Moore, N., & Hooley, T. (2018). Ensuring an independent future for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): A critical examination of the impact of education, health and care plans in England. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46(4), 479-491.  

Stahl, G., Wallace, D., Burke, C., & Threadgold, S. (2018). International perspectives on theorising aspirations. Bloomsbury. 

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Artess, J. (2017). Creative apprentice and envoys: Routes to employment and participation. University of Derby.  

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Artess, J., Hooley, T., & Mellors-Bourne, R. (2017). Employability: A review of the literature 2012 to 2016. Higher Education Academy.  

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Hooley, T. (2017). Developing your career: Harnessing the power of the internet for ‘digital career management’. Development and Learning in organisations: An International Journal, 31(1), 9-11.  

Koštálová, H., Kavková, E., Šindlerová, I., Hooley, T., Moore, N., Artess, J., Skovhus, R. B., Dimsits, M., Clark, K. A., Crudass, J., & Robertson, J. (2017). The diverse world of career guidance. The European Contact Group.  

Moore, N. (2017). Preparing the next generation of career development practitioners. Career Matters, 5(4), 31.  

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Neary, S., Bujok, E., & Mosley, S. (2017). Leading Career Management Skills (CMS) in Europe. Career Matters, 5(2), 10.  

Neary, S., Hanson, J., & Cotterill, V. (2017). A career in career – Understanding what career looks like in the career development sector. Career Matters, 5(1), 20-21.  

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Vigurs, K., Everitt, J., & Staunton, T. (2017). The evidence base for careers websites: What works? The Careers & Enterprise Company.  

Weller, P., & Hooley, T. (2017). How religion or belief frame participation and access in UK higher education. In K. Aune & J. Stevenson (Eds.), Religion and higher education in Europe and North America. Routledge. 


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Hooley, T., & Dodd, V. (2016). Online research methods for mental health. In S. Goss., K. Anthony., L. S. Sykes., & D. N. Mertz (Eds.), Technology in mental health: Applications in practice, supervision and training (2nd ed). Charles C Thomas. 

Hooley., T., & Neary, S. (2016). The role of online careers work in supporting mental health. In S. Goss., K. Anthony., L. S. Sykes., & D. N. Mertz (Eds.), Technology in mental health: Applications in practice, supervision and training (2nd ed). Charles C Thomas.  

Hooley, T., Dodd, V., & Shepherd, C. (2016). Developing a new generation of careers leaders: An evaluation of the Teach First Careers and Employability Initiative. University of Derby.  

Hooley, T., Dodd, V., & Shepherd, C. (2016). Developing a new generation of careers leaders: Executive summary. University of Derby.  

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Hooley, T., & Sahar, A. (2016). The right start in life. Exploring an innovative new online career solution. University of Derby.  

Mieschbuehler, R., & Hooley, T. (2016). World-class apprenticeship standards: Report and recommendations. University of Derby and Pearson UK.  

Moore, N. (2016). Digital career management skills. Career Matters, 4(4), 10. 

Moore, N., Dodd, V., & Sahar, A. (2016). Evaluating social pedagogy training and development in Lincolnshire. University of Derby.  

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Neary, S. (2016). Only qualifications count: Exploring perceptions of continuing professional development within the career guidance sector. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 44(4), 466-476.  

Neary, S., Dodd, V., & Hooley, T. (2016). Understanding career management skills: Findings from the first phase of the CMS Leader project. University of Derby.  

Neary, S., & Hooley, T. (2016). Presenting the LEADER Framework for Careers (1.0). University of Derby.  

Neary, S., & Johnson, C. (2016). CPD for the career development professional: A handbook for enhancing practice. Trotman. 

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Robinson, D., Moore, N., & Parker, G. (2016). Evaluation of BookTrust’s additional needs support and resources. University of Derby.  

Shepherd, C., & Hooley, T. (2016). ‘They’ve got their backs to the seas’: Careers work in Kent’s coastal schools. University of Derby.  

Alexander, R. (2015). Career decision making in island communities: Applying the concept of the Aquapelago to the Shetland and Orkney Islands. Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, 9(1), 38-52.  

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Artess, J., & Shepherd, C. (2015). H.E. careers and employability services’ use of resources: Summary report. University of Derby.  

Cutts, B., Hooley, T., & Yates, J. (2015). Graduate dress code: How undergraduates are planning to use hair, clothes and make-up to smooth their transition to the workplace. Industry and Higher Education, 29(4), 271-282.  

Dodd, V., & Hooley, T. (2015). Getting it down on paper: The importance of letter writing for young people’s employability. Royal Mail.  

Goss, S., & Hooley, T. (2015). Symposium on online practice in counselling and guidance. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1-7.  

Grajcár, Š. (2015). Interview with Professor Tristram Hooley, International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS), University of Derby, UK. KARIÉROVÉ PORADENSTVO V TEÓRII A PRAXI.  

Hallam, R., Morris, M., Hooley, T., Neary, S., & Mackay, S. (2015). The role of brokerage within career guidance: A review of the literature. SQW and University of Derby.  

Hirsh, W., Pollard, E., & Artess, J. (2015). Changing employer practices in graduate recruitment: Implications for career development. Journal for the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 34(1), 4-10.  

Hooley, T. (2015). Who wins the rat race? Social justice and the graduate labour market. Graduate Prospects Ltd.  

Hooley, T. (2015). Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery: Self-actualisation, social justice and the politics of career guidance. University of Derby.  

Hooley, T. (2015). The Kent model of career education and guidance. Kent County Council.   

Hooley, T. (2015). Professionalising careers work: The view from Europe. Career Development Association of New Zealand.  

Hooley, T. (2015). Careering towards a wall? Careers guidance policy and election 2015. Graduate Prospects Ltd.  

Hooley, T. (2015). A practical guide to career learning and development: Innovation in careers education 11-19. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 43(2), 241-243.  

Hooley, T. (2015). Career guidance and inspiration in schools. Careers England.  

Hooley, T., & Barham, L. (2015). Career development policy and practice: The Tony Watts reader. National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. 

Hooley, T., & Dodd, V. (2015). The economic benefits of career guidance. Careers England.  

Hooley, T., Hutchinson, J., & Neary, S. (2015). Ensuring quality in online career mentoring. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 44(1), 26-41.  

Hooley, T., Neary, S., Morris, M., & Mackay, S. (2015). Effective policy frameworks for the organisation of career guidance services: A review of the literature. SQW and University of Derby.  

Hooley, T., Shepherd, C., & Dodd, V. (2015). Get yourself connected: Conceptualising the role of digital technologies in Norwegian career guidance. University of Derby.  

Hooley, T., Watts, A. G., & Andrews, D. (2015). Teachers and careers: The role of school teachers in delivering career and employability learning. University of Derby.  

Hooley, T., & Yates, J. (2015). ‘If you look the part you’ll get the job’: Should career professionals help clients to enhance their career image? British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 43(4), 438-451.  

Hooley, T., Neary, S., Morris, M., & Mackay, S. (2015). Customer satisfaction with career guidance: A review of the literature. SQW and University of Derby.  

Hutchinson, J., Beck, V., & Hooley, T. (2015). Delivering NEET policy packages? A decade of NEET policy on England. Journal of Education and Work, 29(6), 707-727.  

Johnson, C., & Neary, S. (2015). Enhancing professionalism – Progressing the career development sector. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 35(1), 57-62.  

Johnson, C., & Neary, S. (2015). A career in career development – The new career development sector progression pathway. Career Matters, 3(1), 14-15. 

Mackay, S., Morris, M., & Hooley, T., & Neary, S. (2015). Maximising the impacts of careers services on career management skills: A review of the literature. SQW and University of Derby.  

McCarthy, J., & Hooley, T. (2015). Integrated policies: Creating systems that work. Kuder.  

Mieschbuehler, R., Hooley, T., & Neary, S. (2015). Employers’ experience of higher apprenticeships: Benefits and barriers. University of Derby and Pera Training.  

Mieschbuehler, R., & Vickers, R. (2015). Research update. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 34, 1-58.  

Moore, N., & Hooley, T. (2015). Making use of icould: Learning from practice. University of Derby.  

Moore, N., & Osmaini, A. (2015). Training needs analysis. European Union Office in Kosovo.  

Neary, S. (2015). Only qualifications count: Exploring perceptions of continuing professional development within the career guidance sector. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 44(4), 466-476.  

Neary, S. (2015). Professional identity: What’s that and what does it have to do with me? NGCE News, 44, 15-17.  

Neary, S., Dodd, V., & Radford, N. (2015). NAHT Aspire pilot evaluation: Executive summary. University of Derby.  

Neary, S., Hooley, T., Morris, M., & Mackay, S. (2015). The impact of career guidance on progression in learning and work: A review of the literature review. SQW and University of Derby.  

Pollard, E., Hirsh, W., Williams, M., Buzzeo, J., Marvell, R., Tassinari, A., Bertram, C., Fletcher, L., Artess, J., Redman, J., & Ball, C. (2015). Understanding employers’ graduate recruitment and selection practices: Main report. Department for Business Innovation & Skills.  

Turner, C., Moore, N., & Bysshe, S. (2015). A career of choice: Attracting talented young people into house building. IHS BRE Press on behalf of NHBC Foundation.  

Wooley, A., & Hooley, T. (2015). Further education learners’ prior experience of career education and guidance: A case study of Chesterfield College. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 35(1), 50-56.  

Artess, J., Ball, C., Forbes, P., & Hughes, T. (2014). Taught postgraduate employability and employer engagement: Masters with a purpose. Higher Education Careers Services Unit. 

Borbély-Pecze, T. B., & Hutchinson, J. (2014). Work-based learning and lifelong guidance policies. European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

Chavaudra, N., Moore, N., Marriott, J., & Jakhara, M. (2014). Creating an evidence base to support the development of a holistic approach to working with children and young people in Derbyshire: A local authority case study on the integration of social pedagogy in children and young people’s services. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 3(1), 54-61.

Hooley, T. (2014). ‘We wanted to change that particular part of the world’: The role of academics in the career development field, learning from the career of Tony Watts. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 33, 37-43.

Hooley, T. (2014). The evidence base of lifelong guidance: A guide to key findings for effective policy and practice. European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

Hooley, T. (2014). The evidence base of lifelong guidance: A guide to key findings for effective policy and practice: Brief summary. European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

Hooley, T. (2014). The evidence base of lifelong guidance: A guide to key findings for effective policy and practice: Extended summary. European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

Hooley, T., Hutchinson, J. and Neary S. (2014) Evaluating Brightside's Approach to Online Mentoring‌. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby

Hooley, T., Hutchinson, J., & Neary, S. (2014). Building motivation, achievement and progression online: Evaluating Brightside’s approach to online mentoring. University of Derby.

Hooley, T., Hutchinson, J., & Neary, S. (2014). Building motivation, achievement and progression online: Evaluating Brightside’s approach to online mentoring: Executive summary. University of Derby.

Hooley, T., Matheson, J., & Watts, A. G. (2014). Advancing ambitions: The role of career guidance in supporting social mobility. The Sutton Trust.

Hope, A. S. (2014). Communities that care: An insight into male career patterns in a small neighbourhood. [Unpublished EdD thesis]. University of Derby.

Hutchinson, J. (2014). ‘Girls into STEM and Komm mach MINT’: English and German approaches to support girls’ STEM career-related learning'Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 32: 27-34

Hutchinson, J., and Dickinson, B. (2014). Employers and schools: How Mansfield is building a world of work approach. Local Economy, 29(3): 236-245

Hutchinson, J., Neary, S., Marriott, J. and Jackson, H. (2014). Strategic consultation on the FE workforce and Initial Teacher Education workforce for the Education and Training Foundation. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby

Hyde, C. (2014). A Beacon for Guidance‌: how the International Centre for Guidance Studies has been influencing policy and practice for 16 years Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby.

Langley, E., Hooley, T. and Bertuchi, D. (2014). A Career Postcode Lottery? Local Authority Provision of Youth and Career Support Following the 2011 Education Act. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Marriott, J. and Hooley, T. (2014). Evaluating the Legacy Careers Project. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Marriott, J. and Moore, N. (2014). NHBC Foundation: improving recruitment of young people into home building: a compendium of resources. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby.

Marriott, J. and Moore, N. (2014). NHBC Foundation: improving recruitment of young people into home building: a literature review. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby.

Mellors-Bourne, R., Hooley, T. and Marriott, J. (2014). Understanding How People Choose to Pursue Taught Postgraduate Study. Bristol: HEFCE.

Mellors-Bourne, R., Metcalfe, J., Pearce, E. and Hooley, T. (2014). Understanding the recruitment and selection of postgraduate researchers by English higher education institutions. Cambridge: CRAC.

Moore, N. and Neary, S. (2014). Teaching theory in practice. CERIC.

Moore, N., Zecirevic, M. and Peters, S. (2014). Establishing Croatia's lifelong career guidance serviceJournal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 32: 19-26.

Neary, S. (2014) Enabling reflective learning in lifelong career guidance (book review)British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. Published Online

Neary, S. (2014) Professional identity: What I call myself defines who I am. Career Matters. 2(3): 14-15.

Neary, S. (2014). Building Motivation, Achievement and progression Online: Evaluating Brightside’s Approach to Online Mentoring, NCGE News, 41: 26-29.

Neary, S. (2014). Reclaiming professional identity through postgraduate professional development: careers practitioners reclaiming their professional selves. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 42(2): 199-210.

Neary, S. (2014) Motivational career counselling and coaching: cognitive and behavioural approaches (book review)British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 42(1): 115-116. .

Neary, S., Marriott, J. and Hooley, T. (2014). Understanding a 'career in careers': learning from an analysis of current job and person specifications. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby.

Neary, S., Parker, G., Marriott, J., Hutchinson, J. and Scales, P. (2014). Inquiring Teachers, Inquiring Learners‌. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies. University of Derby.

Neary, S., Thambar, N. and Bell, S. (2014). The global graduate: developing the global careers service. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 32: 57-63.

Taylor, A.R. and Hooley, T. (2014). Evaluating the impact of career management skills module and internship programme within a university business school. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 42(5): 487-499. 

Taylor, A.R. and Hooley, T. (2014). Evaluating the impact of career management skills module and internship programme within a university business school. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 42(5): 487-499

Tracada, E., Spencer, S. and Neary, S. (2014). Words Which Exclude. Adjustments to communication devices within law and planning frameworks dealing with Gypsy and Traveller accommodation in the UK. Derby: University of Derby

Tracada, E., Neary, S. and Spencer, S. (2014). The Gypsy and Traveller Communities Housing Dispute Against the Localism Tenet. In Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci (eds.), WOR(L)DS WHICH EXCLUDE-The housing issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the language of the acts and the administrative documents in Europe. Florence: Fondazione Michelucci Press, p. 189- 224

Watts, A.G. (2014). Career development: looking back; moving forward‌. 17th Annual Lecture. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby

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Watts, A.G., Bezanson, L. and McCarthy, J. (2014). The international symposia on career development and public policy: retrospect and prospect. Australian Journal of Career Development. Online First

Borbely-Pecze, T. B., & Hutchinson, J. (2017). The youth guarantee and lifelong guidance. European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

Cheruvallil-Contractor, S., Hooley, T., Moore, N., Purdam, K., & Weller, P. (2013). Researching the non-religious: Methods and methdological issues, challenges and controversies. In A. Day. G. Vincett & C. R. Cotter (Eds.), Social identities between the sacred and the secular (pp. 173-189). Ashgate.

Dent, P., Garton, E., Hooley, T., Leonard, C., Marriott, J., & Moore, N. (2013). Higher education outreach to widen participation: Toolkits for practitioners. Higher Education Funding Council for England.  

Hooley, T. (2013). Career development in Canada. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS).

Hooley, T. (2013). The chaos theory of careers: A new perspective on working in the twenty-first century. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 41(2), 208-210.

Hooley, T. (2013). National Careers Council, an aspirational nation: Creating a culture change in careers provision; Careers England policy commentary 21. Careers England.

Hooley, T., Law, B., & Bentley, K. (2013). Exploring the turning points in researchers’ lives: Using the three-scene storyboarding technique. Vitae.

Hooley, T., Marriott, J., & Pearce, E. (2013). HR strategies for researchers: A review of the HR Excellence in Research Award implementation activities across Europe. Vitae.

Hooley, T., Mellors-Bourne, R., & Sutton, M. (2013). Early evaluation of Unistats: User experiences. UK Higher Education Funding Bodies.

Hooley, T., Watts, A. G., Sultana, R. G., & Neary, S. (2013). The ‘blueprint’ framework for career management skills: A critical exploration. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 41(2), 117-131.  

Hutchinson, J. (2013). School organisation and STEM career-related learning. National STEM Centre.

Hutchinson, J., Moore, N., Davies, A., Thomas, M., & Marriott, J. (2013). Gendered horizons: Boys’ and girls’ perceptions of job and career choices. Chwarae Teg.

Longridge, D., Hooley, T., & Staunton, T. (2013). Building online employability: A guide for academic departments. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS).

Moore, N. (2013). Improving Lifelong Career Guidance and ICT Support Project Croatia: Manual of Operational Procedures (Quality Standards). Zagreb: Croatian Employment Service.

Moore, N. (2013). Improving Lifelong Career Guidance and ICT Support Project Croatia: Quality Performance Indicators. Zagreb: Croatian Employment Service.

Moore, N. (2013). Navigating the changing higher education landscape: Toolkits for widening participation outreach. Career Guidance Today, 21(1): 39.

Moore, N., Jakara, M., Bowie, J., & Marriott, J. (2013). Social pedagogy: A scoping project for Derbyshire County Council. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS).

Morgan, S. T. (2013). Social pedagogy within key worker practice: Community situated support for marginalised youth. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 2(1), 17-32.

Neary, S. (2013). Can aspiration kill local community? Challenges for young people and career practitioners in Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 31, 23-28. 

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