Career Leaders Programme

This section sets out the programmes of continuing professional development offered by the International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) at the University of Derby for those tasked with leading and managing programmes of career development in schools and colleges.

The information below will help you think about and select a programme that will help you develop your skills to develop and manage your programme in line with the requirements set out in the Careers and Enterprise Companies document in 2018.

Advanced Certificate in Career Development

This course is a 40 credit ‘step off’ award which forms part of a larger 60 credit programme, The Advanced Diploma in Career Development. To complete the Advanced Certificate, learners will need to complete two 20 credit modules:

Non-accredited level 6 programme

This course has been designed to meet The Careers and Enterprise Companies’ Careers Leader Training requirements.


For more information about how you can get sponsored to follow one of these programmes and if you have any questions about these programmes, please contact Dr Tom Staunton  


2 people talking at a desk

Career Leaders Training for a Careers Hub or LEP area

If you are frustrated by the number of career leaders in your area who have taken up the free career leaders training funded by the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) and feel like you would like to introduce a more local focus and train all of your career leaders together, we have the answer.

Find out moreFind out more

Course Detail

What will you study?

The Advanced Certificate in Career Development is a 40 credit ‘step off’ award which forms part of a larger 60 credit programme, The Advanced Diploma in Career Development. To complete the Advanced Certificate, learners will need to complete two 20 credit modules:

  • The theories and concepts of career development and
  • Managing career development

Where will you study?

This programme is offered at the University of Derby and you will need to complete an application for this programme through the University of Derby’s portal. It will also be offered in other centres in the East Midlands, West Midlands, The North East and North West of England.  Please contact Dr Tom Staunton at or your local LEP lead to find out where the programme will be delivered in your area.

How will you study?

The programme is delivered through blended learning. The programme will include opportunities for learners to:

  • Undertake small group work projects
  • Engage in debates, seminars, discussions, and meetings
  • Develop practice-based resources
  • Write for a range of audiences including online social spaces.


The programme includes both formative and summative assessment. Assessments have been designed to ensure that learners can demonstrate a wide range of professional understanding, knowledge and skills for assignment reports, professional resources and writing in a range of social spaces and the use of models for reflective practice.


The Advanced Diploma will take one year (3 semesters).

The Advanced Certificate will be completed in 6 months (2 semesters).

This non-accredited level 6 programme has been designed to meet The Careers and Enterprise Companies’ Careers Leader Training requirements.

The programme is delivered through blended learning. The programme will include opportunities for learners to:

  • Undertake small group work projects
  • Engage in debates, seminars, discussions, and meetings
  • Develop practice-based resources
  • Write for a range of audiences including online social spaces


The assessment of this programme will be through the submission of a portfolio of evidence which will consist of a reflective journal detailing the learner’s journey through the programme and the application of their learning

Examples of artefacts developed through the programme such as

  • sample policies,
  • schemes of work,
  • the outcomes of the Compass self-assessment and a development plan,
  • job descriptions,
  • training plans

If you have specific queries about this course, please contact Dr Tom Staunton  

Why you should study a Careers Leaders Programme with iCeGS

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