Supplier Guides

Introduction to the Supplier Portal


Log in at:

Image - Supplier Guide - Supplier Log-in screenshot

You will be guided to the front screen.

To view your account click on the icon “Review and Update Your Details

Image - Supplier Guide - Review and Update Details Icon

This will take you to your Dashboard where you can see your recent activity and actions requiring your attention.

Once you have established business with the University over a period of time, your Dashboard will look like the one illustrated below. In the early days of doing business, you may only see Purchase Orders, but during the course of your working relationship with the University, the number of activities will increase.

Image - Supplier Guide - The Portal Dashboard

Click on the number next to each activity and you will go to a further screen providing you with further breakdown of your activities.

If you click on the Number of Orders opened, you will be presented with the full list of Purchase Orders you have in place with the University. You will also be able to view this information by looking at the Tasks, Orders and Manage Orders.

Tasks: The Tasks highlighted are the areas you are most likely to use once you have established business with the University. Click on the Order number to further drill down into the detail of the Purchase Order.


Image - Supplier Guide - Manage Orders Intro

Click on the Order number to further drill down into the detail of the Purchase Order.

Agreements (some suppliers only): Click on Agreements to view any Agreements you have in place with the University. Click on the Agreement number to drill down further into the Agreement detail.

Image - Supplier Guide - Manage Agreements screen

It is important that Suppliers ensure their data is kept up to date at all times, particularly contacts and bank details.


If you do require assistance, please email details of your query to and a member of Procurement will contact you.


Further guides: