Learning and Teaching

We have a strong reputation for teaching excellence at the University of Derby and we have established our Digital Learning and Pedagogic Practice teams to ensure that we maintain this high standard and provide our students with the best-possible education.

Our aim

We aim to collaborate with colleagues to ensure students experience excellence in teaching, research and scholarship.

"At the University of Derby we have always taken great pride in our approach to teaching and learning,” says Vice-Chancellor Kathryn Mitchell. “What we teach and the way we teach it is designed to ensure all our students benefit from academic challenge, outstanding facilities and relevant work experience opportunities which ensure upon graduating they are best placed to realise their goals and aspirations.

“We are ambitious, not only in terms of what we want to achieve as a University, but what we want our graduates of the future to achieve, be it locally, nationally or globally. To this end, our pursuit of excellence in student experience, with academic rigour at its heart, will never cease. Wherever the bar is set, our aim will be to take it higher.”

Conference image of woman in crowd clapping

Learning and Teaching Conference 2025

The 4th annual Learning and Teaching Conference will take place on campus at Kedleston Road on Wednesday 25 June 2025.

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An architecture class

We organise staff development through our new DELTA (Derby Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Assessment) scheme, which has a host of activities to support classroom practice. This includes helping staff from the University's academic and professional departments gain professional recognition, such as fellowship, through workshops and writing retreats. And we also provide opportunities to share and engage in research.

The Pedagogic Practice team leads the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme to support students in co-produced research with their academics.

We have developed and published strategies to enhance our student experience and have an Ideas Factory where staff can share innovative ideas and good practice.

We also host the University's annual Learning and Teaching Conference. We enhance learning and teaching by engaging staff and students in academic debate, discussion and activity generated by creative practice and innovation.