People Experience and Culture General Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
1. Scope
The Health and Safety Policy covers the approach to health, safety and wellbeing (HSW) for all persons affected by the undertakings of the University of Derby Group, in particular staff and students. It also includes contractors, agency workers, temporary staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors.
For the purposes of clarity, the University of Derby Group will be referred to as ‘the University’ from this point onwards. Terminology for job titles may vary across the University. If this is the case, the terminology used within this policy is deemed to apply to staff/functions in equivalent roles and positions of equivalent standing.
This policy, and associated procedure, does not form part of employees’ contracts of employment and the University may amend it at any time.
2. Definitions
- OH&S – Occupational Health and Safety
- HSW– Health, Safety and Wellbeing
- CDM – Construction Design Management
- ISO:45001 International Standards Organisation 45001 (OH&S Management
- DSRL – Derbyshire Student Residences Limited
- Hierarchy of Control – The hierarchy of control is a system for controlling risks in the
- VCE – Vice-Chancellor’s Executive
- RIDDOR – Reporting Incidents Diseases Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
- UHSWC – University Health Safety and Wellbeing Committee
- DSE – Display Screen Equipment
- COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
- DSEAR – Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmosphere Regulations
- SHSWF - Strategic Health, Safety and Wellbeing Forum
- SJCC - Staff Joint Consultative Committee
- KPI – Key Performance Indicators
- HSE – Health and Safety Executive
- ESTATE: Buildings, structures, their related services, grounds as per specific HSW procedures and as per resources allocated by the university’s executive for their maintenance & control
3. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy Statement
The Governing Council of the University accepts its responsibilities for health, safety and wellbeing (HSW), and will take all reasonable and practical steps to safeguard the HSW of all persons affected by its activities. This statement sets out the commitment of the Governing Council and Vice-Chancellor. This policy will act as a framework to establish a consistent standard for HSW practices across the University of Derby.
The requirements of HSW legislation will be adhered to and will set the minimum standard of HSW performance. Leadership and management of HSW in Higher Education Institutions, a guidance document provided by Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA) will also be adopted as best practice.
PO001 – General Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy – Uncontrolled when Printed.
The University will seek to ensure that:
- all reasonable steps will be taken to prevent work-related ill health and injury
- all workplaces, plant and equipment meet approved safety standards; training, information, and advice is provided to maintain safe working practices
- there is a high regard for HSW among all employees and students, which is encouraged through an active HSW committee
- representative groups within the University of Derby are consulted and engaged with on matters affecting their HSW
- the necessary expertise, resources and procedures are in place to ensure effective management of HSW throughout the University
- a review of this policy is normally undertaken every 12 months or sooner if a need is identified
- through a process of continuous improvement, HSW performance is frequently monitored and reviewed
- A framework for setting the Health & Safety objectives is maintained and will commit to fulfil legal requirements and other identified requirements
- It will eliminate hazards and reduce Health & Safety risks as far as is reasonably practicable
- It will commit to continual improvement of the Health & Safety management system and consult and participate with workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives
All employees, students, contractors, visitors, and relevant stakeholders are expected to share this commitment to HSW by complying with policies and procedures, exercising due care and attention, and by understanding that they too have legal and moral obligations to themselves and one another.
4. The University Health, Safety and Wellbeing Mission Statement:
The University of Derby will create and maintain a positive and proactive health and safety culture, providing a safe and inclusive environment for all which is conducive to staff, students and relevant stakeholders working and studying at the University and any areas under its control.
5. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Key Performance Indicators and ISO:45001 Health and Safety Objectives:
The central Health and Safety Team will hold a HSW manual aligned to ISO:45001 which contains the University’s health and safety objectives along with the OH&S KPIs. These will be normally reviewed annually and progress on these will be reported to each meeting of the University Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee.
6. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management System
The University is made up of several companies, as shown by the organogram. At the date of this document, the group includes University of Derby Theatre Limited and Derbyshire Student Residences Limited. The Governing Council of the University is ultimately responsible for HSW at the University. Governing Council have delegated this responsibility to the Vice-Chancellor, who has appointed a team to disseminate HSW instructions across the University.
Supplementary policies, procedures and guidance documents can be accessed either by the University’s Policy Hub and/or local intranet pages for the relevant College/Department/Strategic Business Unit which should be read in conjunction with this policy.
Each area of the University may develop further detailed and specific guidance notes and operating instructions for each of their functions. Any additional guidance or instructions will be consistent with the University Health and Safety Policy and this procedure document.
The University Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee will act as an interface between the Vice-Chancellor, People, Experience and Culture, Trade and Student Union representatives, local health and safety committees and/or management meetings to resolve any HSW concerns in line with this policy.
The University will, through its Deans, Directors, Heads of Strategic Business Units, establish, implement, maintain, and regularly review the following:
- effective systems for recruitment, placement, training and assessment of employees to enable work to be carried out to the required occupational health and safety standards
- defined health and safety performance standards and measures with planned objectives for achievement which are supported by suitable resources
- appropriate organisational safety and occupational health services to support the needs of all employees and the organisation
- the University will establish an occupational health service, which will provide appropriate screening and health surveillance as identified through risk assessment
7. Health and Safety Organisation Chart
The Health and Safety Organisation chart illustrates the University's organisational structure in place for the management of HSW and is available for reference via
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Roles and Responsibilities
This section of the procedure document details the organisation, responsibilities, and general arrangements for meeting the General Statement of Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
9. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committees
There are several subgroups and committees across the University; the primary committee is the University Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee (UHSWC). The UHSWC has agreed terms of reference setting out the following objectives:
a. to provide a forum to discuss and explore strategic management issues relating to Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) risks associated with University undertakings.
b. to assist UHSWC in championing HSW issues across the University.
c. to implement policy and strategy regarding HSW management.
d. to make proposals to VCE for improvements in areas not directly under the authority of the members of the committee.
e. to promote risk management improvements in the areas directly under the authority of the members of UHSWC.
f. to promote and develop a positive and proactive HSW culture within the University.
g. to positively influence the management of HSW of colleagues, students, contractors, and all other stakeholders.
There is a network of safety subgroups within Colleges/Departments and/or Strategic Business Units; some will be meetings rather than committees where HSW matters are reported, monitored, and reviewed. All will consider matters from the UHSWC, along with local HSW matters; ensuring representation and consultation with their wider community is available. The Chair of Safety Sub-groups will discuss any matters that need to be raised at the UHSWC with the Head of HSW and/or the Chair of UHSWC. Matters that require immediate action should be addressed within an appropriate timescale and remain the responsibility of the Safety Sub-group Chair. The UHSWC has prepared an agenda template for Safety Sub-Groups who will further ensure that:
- HSW information is disseminated
- local health, safety and wellbeing issues are resolved
- submit and receive reports on the effectiveness of health, safety, and wellbeing arrangements
Local issues will not be referred to the University Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee unless they have been unable to be resolved at Sub-Group level. If individuals have a health and safety concern it should be raised initially with line management. If concerns are not resolved satisfactorily, they can be raised with a Trade Union Safety Representative or the central Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team.
10.Health, Safety and Wellbeing Charter
Each College and Department have a Health, Safety and Wellbeing Charter. This charter identifies the organisation and local departmental arrangements that further support the University’s General Health and Safety Policy. It is prepared to further provide health and safety information to staff, encouraging engagement where possible and it is shared with all staff within the College/Department.
11.Staff Consultation and Engagement
The Chief People Officer will ensure effective consultation on all matters relating to HSW with the appropriate safety representatives. Departmental Heads and Management will, where possible/relevant, engage and consult with staff on matters of health and safety. This may be through various means such as staff meetings, relevant training, risk assessment creation/review and policy implementations/alterations etc.
12.Reporting Procedures and Enforcing Authorities Visits
Staff must inform management of any accidents/incidents they have so that these can be documented and investigated at a local level in the first instance. They must also be reported to the relevant Head of Department and the central Health and Safety Team. The central Health and Safety Team will review the accident/incident and where required report this to the HSE in line with the RIDDOR 2013 requirements. In some instances, the Health and Safety Executive or other related Enforcing Authorities may contact the University and carry out planned/unplanned visits to site. In this situation the person/department the HSE contact (including contractors working on our sites) must inform the Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing in conjunction with the Director of Estates as soon as possible. This can be done via Windows Teams or phone call if the staff member is not at their computer.
13.Monitoring and Compliance
Health and Safety Coordinators will carry out planned documented health and safety tours of their department to help identify any hazards and risks for the area so that these can be reported to the Heads of Department for rectification. The Central Health and Safety Team will also carry out a health and safety spot check tour (Charter audit) on each department/school/college within the organisation aligned with an internal schedule. Results of these spot check tours will be submitted to the relevant head of college/department and fed back to the UHSWC. The Director of Estates will monitor health and safety and compliance within the Estates department via various team meetings and through the Head of Compliance and Risk and Estates Health and Safety Advisor.
14.Staff Health and Safety Training Schedule
All staff will receive mandatory health and safety training upon joining the University and then upon the identified time frame thereafter (normally every two years). Further appropriate training will be provided depending on the individual’s role and responsibilities for health and safety. An overview of mandatory training can be found below with a detailed table of mandatory role specific H&S courses available within MyLearning.
Staff Type
Mandatory Training
All Staff |
Health and Safety in the Workplace (this includes Fire Safety training)
Display Screen Equipment
Upon role appointment and every 2 years thereafter |
Managers and Supervisors |
Health and Safety for Managers |
Upon role appointment and every 2 years thereafter |
Academics |
Tutor-in-charge Fire Marshal training via the ‘Academic & Digital Practice Development Programme’ |
Upon role appointment |
Department Risk Assessors |
Risk Assessment Training |
Upon role appointment and every 2 years thereafter |
15. Sanctions
Failure to comply with health and safety policies/procedures may lead to the disciplinary procedure being invoked and where breaches in statutory requirements are found, may lead to legal sanction in line with the reference legislation in force at the time.