Recruitment Policy and Procedure

People Experience and Culture Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy


The University aims to recruit the person who is most suited to the job from all applications received. Recruitment will be based on the applicant’s abilities and individual merit as measured against the criteria for the job. The University is committed to providing equality of opportunity within the recruitment and selection process. The roles and responsibilities for this policy are set out in the general document which applies to each policy.


Our recruitment and selection policy aims to ensure that:

Area People Experience and Culture / Human Resources
Supporting Document Staff Recruitment and Selection Procedure
Date of Equality Analysis October 2010
Approval Date 19 June 2014
Implementation Date 19 June 2014
Last Reviewed 13 February 2024

People Experience and Culture Staff Recruitment and Selection Procedure


These procedures support the University’s Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy and provide details of how the policy is to be implemented within the University. These procedures should be used by all those who have responsibility for recruitment and selection.

There may be some exceptional occasions where it is not appropriate or cost effective to follow all stages of these procedures, for example:

When the recruiter considers it appropriate to use recruitment agencies (other than agencies for short term recruitment) or “search” techniques. Before doing so, the Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean (PVC) of College or Director of Department must discuss this with their HR Business Partner.

Any proposed variation to the procedure must be discussed with the HR Business Partner for your College/Department.

Equality and Diversity

“Reasonable adjustments” must be considered in order to overcome any substantial disadvantage to a disabled job applicant, or employee, caused by the employer’s premises or employment arrangements.


All application details are to be treated with the appropriate confidentiality. It is the responsibility of each panel member to ensure that suitable arrangements are made for confidentiality to be maintained.

Conflict of Interest

If an employee involved in the recruitment process has a close or familial relationship with an applicant, they should declare this to the Chair of the Panel or Human Resources as soon as they are aware of the situation. In these circumstances it would be advisable for the employee to avoid any further involvement in the recruitment and selection process for that role, please refer to the How We Work Guidance for more details which you will find in our How We Work Policy.

Supporting Forms

All forms relating to this procedure are available electronically either on the PEC Intranet pages, within the Recruiting Manager Toolkit found here: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit or built into the HR System. Before commencing any recruitment, please review the vacancy approval guidance for the current process and considerations.

Job Description and Person Specification

All posts should have a job description and person specification using the University branded template. Existing versions should be reviewed and updated if necessary. Guidance notes on the writing of job descriptions and person specifications are available. Some of the essential criteria from the person specification should be used as ‘essential questions’ in the application process as part of the shortlisting process. Guidance is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.

Job Evaluation

If a position has changed significantly since it was last advertised, seek advice from your HR Business Partner on whether Job Evaluation (JE) is necessary to ensure the appropriate grade. Refer to our JE Guidance on the intranet HERE.

Recruitment Authorisation

The recruiting manager must follow the online process to gain authorisation to recruit from the PVC Dean of College/Director of Department and Business Accountant. Guidance on the approval process is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.


Advertising should comply with the University’s branding guidelines - and meet legislation. Normally, most vacancies will only be advertised online. Where agreed, press advertising will be kept to a minimum, and will direct applicants to the recruitment website. Guidance on advertising is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.


Our preferred method of application is online. However, where applicants would find it difficult to apply online and in line with our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion commitments, alternative methods will be made available.


All panel members can access online applications as they are received by logging on to the recruitment site. The Recruitment Team will enter online the details of applications received by other means and make the application available to the shortlisting panel. Please note that the University operates anonymous shortlisting, details of which are in the Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit. The online short-listing process should be used for all vacancies.

Short-listing should be carried out on the basis of assessing the skills, knowledge and experience of the candidate against the selected essential a criteria. It is unlawful to discriminate in recruitment or employment on a number of grounds, including nationality or citizenship. All applications, therefore, should be assessed against the applicants’ ability to meet the person specification for the job and in line with our standard recruitment and selection processes - at this stage whether or not the applicant has the right to live and work in the UK should not be taken into account.

For information on the appointment of non-UK applicants, please refer to the Recruitment Team and see the eligibility to work in the UK flowchart. Guidance on shortlisting is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.

Selection and Appointment

The recruiting manager is responsible for making all necessary arrangements for rooms, refreshments, panels, accommodating any special needs or requirements etc. This interview itinerary should be completed online which will then allow the Recruitment Team to send out interview invitations. Guidance to support the interview process is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.

As part of the selection process, candidates may be asked to undertake psychometric or occupational testing or in-tray type skills tests. Any tests should be agreed in advance with HR. Guidance on selection techniques is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.

Checking of Qualifications, Professional Registrations, Eligibility to work in the UK, Disclosure and Barring Service checks

Candidates will be asked to bring to the interview originals of relevant certificates, professional registrations and passport/immigration documentation along with a photocopy where possible to the interview. If a British/EU or EEA passport is not available, the right to work checklist should be used to ensure appropriate documents are taken or following the appropriate process for visa checks. The recruiting manager will check the documents (and photocopy if necessary). There are different processes required for staff on visa’s, please see the compliance pages for more details. Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.

All photocopies should be signed by the recruiting manager as true copies of the originals. Guidance on compliance and right to work checks are contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the: Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit. Verified colour photocopies of the original documents for all of the candidates should be uploaded to the recruitment system as a matter of urgency to avoid delays in a formal offer being made.

If a DBS check is a requirement of the post, applicants will be asked to complete a form before commencement of employment. A criminal record will not necessarily mean a prospective employee cannot be confirmed in post. Further information on recruiting someone with a criminal record can be found in the policy statement on the Recruitment of ex-Offenders within the DBS policy

The selection of candidate should be based on all elements of the interview process. The appointment request should be completed online.

The Recruiter should record the outcome of interview for each candidate on the recruitment system.

Guidance on making an offer of employment is contained on the Recruitment and Selection pages in the Recruiting Managers’ Toolkit.

Conditional offers must be made subject to receipt of satisfactory references, medical assessment, evidence of eligibility to work in the UK and other appropriate checks, such as DBS, if applicable to the post. The offer only becomes unconditional when the above checks have been completed.

The recruiting manager, in liaison with the candidate, is responsible for considering making reasonable adjustments to enable the successful candidate to undertake the full range of duties. ‘Access to Work’ may assist with the cost of the adjustments, please ask HR for further advice. Details are contained on the reasonable adjustment pages: Reasonable Adjustments intranet pages.

At the shortlisting, stage external applicants not shortlisted for interview will be advised by the Recruitment Team.

Internal applicants should normally be notified in person by the recruiting manager and given the opportunity of a feedback meeting to ensure they are given feedback and development to enable future success.

At interview, all candidates should be advised how and when they can expect to have the result of their interview and how they will be notified. The recruiting manager, or a member of the interview panel, should contact the unsuccessful interviewed candidates to offer feedback as part of our commitment to ensuring a positive recruitment selection experience for all candidates regardless of outcome.

Starting Salary for the New Employee

The university has adopted certain pay principles steering the setting of pay on appointment and promotion. Please refer to the Starting Salary Principles available on the intranet.


In order to ensure the University’s compliance with both the Recruitment and Selection and Equality and Diversity Policies and Procedures, an approved and trained observer may be present at any part of the process.


For equality and diversity purposes there is an audit trail throughout the recruitment system and this may be used to monitor any part of the process. Recruitment statistics are monitored by certain protected characteristics such as: sex; race/nationality/ethnicity; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion/belief; gender re-assignment; as well as by college, department and job type.