External Examiner Fees and Expenses

Information about fees and expenses for External Examiners.

External Examiner Annual Fee

To receive your External Examiner fee you will need to:

Claiming Expenses

External Examiners should book their own travel and accommodation in line with the University’s finance regulations and claim the payment back via expenses. The University has standard guidance regarding expense claims in line with University and HMRC guidelines and we suggest that you contact externalexaminers@derby.ac.uk for further guidance.

Guidance for claiming expenses

Rates of reimbursement (2023/2024)

Type Rates
Hotel (outside London) £150 per night (inc. breakfast allowance)
Hotel (London) £250 per night (inc. breakfast allowance)
Hotel (International) £250 per night (inc. breakfast allowance)
Meals - Breakfast £10
Meals - Lunch £12
Meals - Dinner £24
UK Incidental overnight expenses £5
Overseas incidental overnight expenses £10

45p per mile (limited to 10,000 miles)

falling to 25p thereafter each tax year

Motorcycles 24p per mile


Frequently Asked Questions

HESA is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about Higher Education in the UK, and the Designated Data Body for England. Each year, individualised data is collected from the University in respect of all staff who were employed by the University at any time in the previous twelve-month period. This data includes the personal characteristics of staff. All uses of personal data collected by HESA are described in the staff collection notice https://www.hesa.ac.uk/about/regulation/data-protection/notices#staff

Your annual fee is listed on your formal appointment letter and also on your appointed duties. If you are unable to locate either of these please contact externalexaminers@derby.ac.uk who will be able to advise.

Your appointment email contains your MENT account number.  It has the format of MENTXXXX. If you are having difficulty locating this please contact externalexaminers@derby.ac.uk who will be happy to advise.

Payroll is only able to pay claims within each pay cycle on the 25th of the month, otherwise it will be paid in the following month. Due to payroll cycles 8 weeks for payment is not uncommon.