Student Services

There is a clear link between your wellbeing and academic success. To help you make the most of your time at the University, our experienced Student Services team can provide confidential support, advice and guidance to all students and applicants on a range of topics.

A student wearing headphones and smiling while writing in a journal in front of a colourful background

Our next workshop: improving your relationship with stress

2 April, 10.30am - 11.30am

Learn how to recognise your stress triggers and develop practical coping strategies to build resilience and maintain a healthy mindset.

Book your placeBook your place

What we can help with:

We can offer mental health support to students, either by a one-off appointment with a mental health practitioner, or short-term counselling sessions. Please see our Counselling and Mental Health Services page for more information and how to make a self-referral.

If you have a disability or a long-term condition that may affect your studies, we can set up support for you, including a Support Plan. Please see our Disability page for more info. 

If you want to find out about budgeting, or need support if you’re struggling with your money, we can help. Please see our Finance and Budgeting page for more info. 

We can set up support if you have a specific learning difference, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or dyscalculia, or if you would like to explore getting a diagnosis. Please see our Specific Learning Difference page for more info. 

We can provide lots of different support for autistic students - please see our Autism page for more info. 

We can set up support if you have a diagnosis of ADHD or ADD, or would like guidance on how to get a diagnosis through the NHS or privately. Please see our ADHD/ADD page for more info. 

If you are fostered, a care leaver or have had experience of living in care, we can offer support. Please see our Care Leavers and Estranged Students page for more info.

If you are providing care for a child, family member or friend, support is available. Please see our Students with Caring Responsibilities page for more info.

If you have a disability or a long-term condition, you may be eligible for funded support through the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA). Please see our Applying for DSA page for more info. 

Student Services online induction video

If you're unable to come along to one of our 2024-25 induction sessions, don't worry, as our presentation is available to watch here:

The Student Services team talk through what support is available to students at the University of Derby

View Student Services Online Induction Presentation 2025 video transcript

An Open Day event in the Atrium with students walking in the foreground

Latest News and Events

We've got lots of events and activities coming up throughout the academic year - soon you'll be able to check out what's on here.

Student support services

Sarah Richardson, our Head of Student Services, explains how we support your wellbeing at university.

Head of Student Services, Sarah, discusses how your wellbeing can be supported during your time at university.

View Livestream highlights: Student support services video transcript

A student sits reflecting in nature

Top tips for improving your wellbeing

Whether it's having trouble sleeping, not being able to focus properly, or dealing with stress, we hope our short tips will remind you to look after yourself and tackle each problem gradually to find solution.

Read our tips for improving your wellbeingRead our tips for improving your wellbeing
Students sitting around a table studying together

Exam and Revision Support Hub

We've put together some tips, tools and resources to help get you through exams and revision, as well as looking after your mental health and wellbeing.

Visit the Exam and Revision Support HubVisit the Exam and Revision Support Hub
Woman wearing a red top looking at folders

Our Student Services Confidentiality and Information Sharing Policy

Discover how your student records are held, what it means to consent to share and how to access your information.

Find out more about our Student Services Confidentiality PolicyFind out more about our Student Services Confidentiality Policy