Short course

Course details

Course code


Course level

Level 6 and 7

Next course date

Spring 2020

Lecture/workshop days - dates/times

12 weeks

Course description

The aim of this module is to apply essential leadership and management principles to inform and assure the safe and effective delivery of services to meet the needs of the practitioner’s identified area of practice. Leadership theories along with change and quality management will be applied in the context of professional accountability and effective multi-agency, multi-professional working. It embeds leadership within the context of regulatory, professional, legal and policy frameworks.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

Entry requirements

Specialist advanced or senior health professionals intending to lead and deliver high quality services within contemporary health care settings.

How to apply

Level 6

LBR applications

Apply directly to the University

Self-funded applications

Level 7

LBR applications

Apply directly to the University

Self-funded applications

Who will teach you

Erica Lloyd
Programme leader

As a Senior Lecturer in Post Graduate Nursing Erica has been part of the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing team since 2019. As Pathway lead for the School Nursing, she supports this cohort of students both academically and in practice.

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Contact us

Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) +44 (0)1332 591992

If you want to find out more about studying a short course, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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Additional information about your studies

Minimum numbers

Please note that this course is subject to minimum numbers in order to run.