You will study this course 100% online. It comprises a range of activities including:

There is no obligation for you to undertake every activity, but being involved in all aspects of the course will help you to achieve the learning objectives that have been outlined in the course.

There is no graded assessment. Instead, you will receive a badge for each completed Unit, and then upon completion of the whole course, you will be awarded with an e-certificate.

An accredited provider of the CPD Standards Office

We are proud to be an accredited provider of the CPD Standards Office for our online short courses and free courses, demonstrating that they conform to CPD best practice and are appropriate for inclusion in a formal CPD record.

Course units

The course is made up of 4 units, each will require approximately 5 hours of study.

Unit content is guided by professionally recognised theory and evidence:

Within the first unit you will explore the definition of Emotional Resilience. Emotional Resilience is a term that you may be familiar with, but quite unsure about its meaning; using examples from popular culture, you will reflect on the importance of emotional resilience and the many forms it can take.

In the second unit, you will be introduced to theoretical perspectives relating to how emotional resilience can develop, from a focus on individual traits and internal/external resources, to studying emotional resilience as a fluid process, influenced by experiential factors.

Unit 3 focuses on several models of reflection that can assist and structure the process of reflecting on a learned experience. An interactive scenario exercise will allow you to put these models into practise, applying knowledge and enhancing your reflective skills.

In the final unit, you will be introduced to the concept of reflective supervision, with access to a role play to enrich your understanding. You will also have the opportunity to consider the possible emotional impacts and benefits of reflective supervision in relation to developing emotional resilience.