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Audio description. Audio description. What is audio description? Audio description adds additional audio content (narration) to a video to benefit blind and visually impaired users. It provides information about key visual elements not described

Case Study

Iustin has achieved his dream – becoming part of the research and development team at one of the world-leading audio system manufacturers, d&b audiotechnik in Germany, after completing our MSc Audio Engineering.

Audit and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference. Audit and Risk Committee - Terms of reference. Introduction. These terms of reference are based on those set out in the CUC Higher Education Audit Committee Code of Practice (May 2020) and the relevant

Auditorium 3 - Sound, Light and Live Event Technology. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Auditorium 3 - Sound, Light and Live Event Technology. Students on our Entertainment Engineering courses get to practise their developing skills using

Aurora. Aurora Fashions creates a learning pathway to success. Aurora Fashions wanted to buck the high-turnover trend in the fashion industry and retain its best people, supporting them to become its future leaders. They asked us to help create an

Blog post. Autism across the lifespan. Dr Simon Bignell, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Derby, discusses autism across the lifespan and why better understanding is greatly needed. By Dr Simon Bignell - 26 March 2018. Around

Autism Support. Autism and Asperger Syndrome. What support is available? Starting at university is a major change. It can mean moving away from familiar surroundings and people. The environment at University can be noisy, busy and crowded. There are

Hear some of the current research into the aetiology of autism, pedagogical approaches and international perspectives.

Blog post. Autonomous vehicles – a new era or just another Back To The Future prop? With the rapid development in self-driving vehicles led by tech companies such as Amazon and Apple, and the tragic accident in Arizona recently causing concerns

Blog post. Autumn Budget 2018: an end to austerity? Yesterday, Chancellor Philip Hammond announced his Autumn 2018 Budget. Melanie Powell, Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Derby, gives her verdict on the Chancellor's announcements.

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