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Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. About us. At the University of Derby, we are pushing the boundaries of knowledge to create a better, fairer and more sustainable future for everyone. Our thriving community of researchers, professionals and

About us as a charity. About us as a charity. The University of Derby is an exempt charity. Legal name and correspondence address. University of Derby. Kedleston Road. Derby. Derbyshire. DE22 1GB. The Objects of the University. The University's

Abstract hero. Abstract hero. For feature content and landing pages this is a good hero to use when images are available. It provides a visually interesting start to the content. It should not be used with any images under the size. The benefit of

Academic Appeals. Academic Appeals. K1 Introduction. K1.1 An academic appeal is a challenge to, or request for reconsideration of a decision made by the University, in relation to decisions on student progress, assessment and awards. K1.2 This

Academic Appeals. Academic Appeals. K1 Introduction. K1.1 Assessment may take a variety of forms including dissertation, examination, project, essay, presentation, practical work or any other exercise which is designed to enable Students to

Academic Appeals. Academic Appeals. K1 Introduction. K1.1 Assessment may take a variety of forms including dissertation, examination, project, essay, presentation, practical work or any other exercise which is designed to enable Students to

Academic Appeals. Academic Appeals. K1 Introduction. K1.1 Assessment may take a variety of forms including dissertation, examination, project, essay, presentation, practical work or any other exercise which is designed to enable Students to

Academic Appeals Process. Academic Appeals Process. The Academic Appeal Form must be completed within 10 working days of the date of the formal publication of module results or decisions listed in K1.2. Please read the guidelines attached before

Look after yourself, be organised and find the revision method that works best for you. These are some of the top tips from University of Derby experts for students as they prepare for their mock A-level exams over the coming weeks.

Academic impact. Academic Impact. Showcasing our academic expertise. Our academics play a key role in driving forward the University’s strategic objectives and longer-term ambition through their research, knowledge exchange, innovation and

Find programme leaders, lecturers, researchers, technicians, directors and managers across all of our sites and campuses.

Use our University staff search to find out about our staff, their teaching responsibilities, professional interests, research interests, qualifications, membership of professional bodies, experience in industry and their recent publications and conferences.