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Blog post. Carbon Emissions: a good news story. A recent Sky News article carried the headline “UK carbon emissions ‘at lowest level since days of Jack the Ripper’”. It sounded like some rare good news in the world of climate change and

Carbon Literacy for Corporate Learners. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Carbon Literacy for College of Business, Law, and Sciences. "What did you do when you knew climate change threatened our world?". - Boston Globe 2020. Carbon Literacy for

Care and Support. Care and support. We offer care and support to both students and staff. This could be informal, through simply dropping in for a chat, but we also provide a listening service and space for people to come and talk about any issue.

Care Leavers and Estranged Students. Care leavers and estranged students. If you are fostered, a care leaver or have had experience of living in care, support is available from the time of your application, through to completion of your studies.

iCeGS 2025 Seminar Series: Dr Miika Kekki, who completed his PhD in Social Policy at the University of Eastern Finland in 2024, will share insights from his research on career Counsellors as Street-Level Integrators. 

Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy. Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy. Policy statement. Career development is the lifelong process of managing progression in learning and work. The quality of this


The launch of the Career Guidance Guarantee on 20th October from 2pm-3:30pm. This virtual event is a must for everyone working in the career development profession and is an opportunity to learn all about the Career Guidance Guarantee from key members.

Case Study

Dominik Buraczewski has a strong interest in programming and, before coming to the University, he spent much of his spare time developing apps that made life easier. He has now turned his hobby into his career after completing our BSc Computer Science degree and securing an iOS developer role with Hedgehog Lab shortly before graduation.

Career leaders programme. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Career Leaders Programme. This section sets out the programmes of continuing professional development offered by the International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) at the University of

Career progression with online learning video transcript. Course description. Well when I first started it I was doing a completely different job and then I got made redundant so that was the first impact I had and then once I moved, I managed to

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