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Case Study

Our students and staff are part of a team that is aiming to deliver sustainable public transport for Buxton. They are members of the Buxton Town Team that is considering the design of delivery methods and implementing sustainable transport policies for those living, working and visiting in the town.

Dr Desmond King-Hele. Desmond King-Hele. Commendation. Dr Desmond King-Hele was awarded Honorary Doctor of Letters (HonDLitt) in November 2019 at Derby Arena in recognition of his literary work, his poetry and especially his extensive scholarly work

Destination Derby – reimagining the city for the future. Destination Derby – reimagining the city for the future. The future of Derby is being shaped – plans for major developments drawn up and

Detecting and responding to adversarial tools. Detecting and responding to adversarial tools. Project summary. Information and network systems play an essential role in the operation of modern organisations, and are consequently attractive cyber

A Detective Chief Inspector who has tackled numerous homicides and serious crimes at Greater Manchester Police will graduate with a Masters in Criminal Investigation from the University of Derby today (July 15, 2016).

Dr Justin Steele-Davies, Academic Lead in Engineering at the University of Derby Online Learning, shares his experience of attending the DEVELOP 3D LIVE at Warwick Arts Centre, and the key messages taken from the event.

Developing and Inspiring the Midwives of the Future. Developing and inspiring the midwives of the future. There aren’t many careers more rewarding and important than midwifery. As defined by UCAS:

You’ll develop the skills required to study at masters level

Blog post. Developing emotional resilience in a social media world. In the wake of the recent news that a fourteen year old girls' suicide has prompted questions over the accountability social media should take, Dr Pauline Green, Academic Lead for

Case Study

Derby Business School has been embedding the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its courses and giving students opportunities to develop a sustainability mindset, through work experience and projects for charities and businesses. Find out more.

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