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Review and critique the main sources of research within cognitive behavioural theory and practice.

Funded Consultancy. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Business Consultancy Services. Do you have a new idea for your organisation that you would like a different perspective on? Are you faced with a business problem that you would like support with?

Funded industrial research for SMEs. We are offering research support packages to small or medium-sized business in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, through the Productivity through Innovation programme. Do you have a research idea that could help

Funded internships. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Derby Talent. Programme. Your business may be eligible for funding towards the costs of employing a student or graduate, as well as free recruitment support from our Derby Talent Team. Funded

Funding and support programmes. Funding and Support Programmes. Funding and support programmes. Your business could be eligible for grants and loans, as well as funded business support programmes. Most of these are aimed at local businesses who want

A new project led by The University of Derby has been awarded £439,307 from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

The University of Derby has been awarded £25,000 from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to support student safeguarding on campus.

A game development studio based in Friar Gate Studios in Derby has received £50,000 funding from the University of Derby’s Invest to Grow Fund and could see the creation of up to eight jobs over the next few years.

Blog post. Funding my postgraduate study. Following initial funding setbacks, Ruth didn’t think she would have the chance to study again but she went on to become a postgraduate student on the MA Public History and Heritage course. By Ruth Gray -

A programme that supports organisations to develop green energy and carbon reduction schemes in Derbyshire has won a category at this year’s Innovation Awards.

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