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Game Changers: Using simulation to bring learning to life. Game Changers: Using simulation to bring learning to life. While the world’s nurses and healthcare practitioners have been working

Blog post. Game on: cyberwarfare. Cyber security has become something of a buzzword. Organisations across the world, and the industry itself, have come under the spotlight as an increasing number of high profile public and private sector

An East Midlands computer game development company, which received a funding boost from the University of Derby’s Invest to Grow scheme, has increased its staff by 50 percent and seen its annual turnover grow by a third.  

Games Expo video transcript. Course description. Steven Deathridge, Computer Games Programming 3rd year student:. I moved here in the second year with some prior knowledge in programming. As soon as I entered the classroom my lecturers made me feel

Gaming students find their perfect placement. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Gaming students find their perfect placement. Four Computing students have achieved their dreams of running their own business whilst on placement year, gaining

Gary's woodland centre. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Scouts keen to build Gary’s woodland centre. Gary Dawson is excited. A building he has designed as part of his degree could soon be taking shape in woodland in Derby. Gary's woodland

In these surveys, you will have an opportunity to feedback on your experience of the Benchmarks framework and provide your thoughts on how the framework continues to be applicable and deliver impact.

A full report of the "Evaluation of the Northeast of England pilot of the Gatsby benchmarks of good career guidance". 

Gavin Boyle. Credit: Ede & Ravenscroft. Commendation. Gavin Boyle was awarded Honorary Doctor of the University (HonDUniv) in November 2021 at Derby Arena in recognition of his outstanding career within the NHS Foundation Trust, his achievements

Gavin Boyle's commendation video transcript. Gavin Boyle. Gavin Boyle. STEPHEN SMITH: I now have great pleasure in inviting Professor Keith McLay, Provost Learning and Teaching, to give the commendation for the conferment of the Honorary Degree of

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