Staff search

Showing 1,411 - 1,420 of 3,040 results

Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Events

Dr Iride Azara is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Events, and an active researcher across several University research groups and internationally recognised research associations. Dr Azara has extensive experience in undergraduate and postgraduate MSc programme management in Tourism, Events and Hospitality.

Lecturer in Manufacturing Engineering

Dr Isa Emami Tabrizi is a lecturer in manufacturing engineering.

Lecturer in Clinical Microbiology

Dr Isaac Thom Shawa is a Lecturer and a Fellow (FHEA) at the University of Derby. He is involved in teaching, conducting research, as well as personal academic tutoring encouraging effective research and collaborations to create impact both locally and internationally.

Senior Lecturer in Media Studies

I am a fellow of the HEA and have worked for over 15 years as a Senior Lecturer in Media HE. Prior to that, I had a distinguished career for over 15 years with the BBC as Creative Director, Producer, Director, Researcher, and also in Design and

Postgraduate Research Student

Ishtiaq Hussain is a postgraduate research student pursuing an MPhil/PhD in the College of Arts, Humanities and Education.

Head of Discipline of Applied Management

Isobel is Head of Discipline of Applied Management. She has been in education for over 25 years but started her career in Beauty and Spa. Isobel was involved in the development of the first degree for Spa Management. She has responsibility for our Devonshire Spa, which has won several industry awards. 

Senior Lecturer in Postgraduate Studies and Teacher Education, Research and Innovation Lead

As a Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Education, Dr Stothard works with masters and doctoral students in various fields pertaining to education. In particular, he teaches and supervises doctoral student working towards a Doctorate in Education.  

Lecturer in Statistics and Data Science

Jack Sutton is a Statistician and Data Scientist at the University of Derby with expertise in Bayesian methods, computational statistics, complex systems, and spatial-temporal modelling in a range of applications including scaling, health and crime.

Early Career Academic - Public Services

Abstract goes here

Visiting Research Fellow in Mineral Chemistry

Jacob is continuing with research in collaboration with Professor Hugh Rollinson and also teaches as an Associate Lecturer.

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