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Senior Lecturer Operations and Marketing

As Director of Studies and First Supervisor, Christine's focus is on doctoral tutorship. Specialist areas small business development and management; operations and logistics and sustainability.

Associate Professor of Art Practice

Christine Parker is an Associate Professor of Art Practice. This means her writing and directing for the screen has achieved international reach and recognition.

Postgraduate Research Student

Christine Thomas is a fine artist with a multi-disciplinary practice often working with textiles. Her areas of interest are domestic abuse, women’s lives rural settings and the impact on women’s lives from a feminist perspective.  

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Dr Barnes is a chartered psychologist conducting and supervising doctoral research in the areas of parenting, child development and nature connection. He works with a diverse range of populations, such as with babies born prematurely, typically developing children and those with a developmental disorder.

Professor of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) and Theme Lead, Zero Carbon

Christopher Sansom is a Professor of CSP (Concentrating Solar Power), and Leads the Zero Carbon Theme, at the University of Derby. After his PhD, he worked in research labs for Plessey, GEC, Marconi, and PerkinElmer, before entering Academia with Cranfield University where he remains a Visiting Professor.

I deliver the mathematics for year one of the Foundation Degree in Mineral Extractives Technology.

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing

As a Lecturer in Creative & Professional Writing, Dr Christos Callow teaches scriptwriting BA modules and supervises creative writing MA students via creative workshops, seminars and lectures.

Postgraduate Research Student

Claire is a postgraduate research student within the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care. 

Senior Lecturer in Social and Community Studies

Senior Lecturer in Social and Community Studies visible.

Senior Lecturer and Business Relationship Manager

Claire Carter is a Senior Lecturer and Business Relationship Manager at the University of Derby. A key part of Claire’s role is to lead on a big lottery partnership supporting our local community in Chesterfield to raise aspirations and increase health and wellbeing within the community.

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