Staff search

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About us as a charity. About us as a charity. The University of Derby is an exempt charity. Legal name and correspondence address. University of Derby. Kedleston Road. Derby. Derbyshire. DE22 1GB. The Objects of the University. The University's

Academic Partnerships. Working in partnership with other institutions is fundamental to the way in which we promote participation in higher and further education, contribute to economic growth and strengthen our reputation and we welcome the

Academic Regulations, Policy and Procedures. Academic regulations. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These Academic and General Regulations apply to all taught programmes, unless specified, and to all students registered on those

Academic Regulations 2014/15. Academic regulations 2014/15. Rights, responsibilities and regulations. These regulations, policies and procedures apply to all taught programmes and to all students registered for modules on those programmes for the

Academic Regulations 2015/16. Academic regulations 2015/16. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These regulations, policies and procedures apply to all taught programmes and to all students registered for modules on those

Academic regulations 2016/17. Academic regulations 2016/17. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These regulations, policies and procedures apply to all taught programmes and to all students registered for modules on those

Academic Regulations, Policy and Procedures. Academic regulations 2017/18. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These regulations, policies and procedures apply to all taught programmes and to all students registered for modules on

Academic Regulations, Policy and Procedures. Academic regulations 2018/19. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These Academic and General Regulations apply to all taught programmes, unless specified, and to all students registered

Academic Regulations, Policy and Procedures. Academic regulations 2020/21. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These Academic and General Regulations apply to all taught programmes, unless specified, and to all students registered

Academic Regulations, Policy and Procedures. Academic regulations 2022/23. The validity of regulations, policies and procedures. These Academic and General Regulations apply to all taught programmes, unless specified, and to all students registered

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