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Inaugural Lecture Series: Professor Jose Prados video transcript. The evolution of learning: towards a phylogenetic epistemology. The title screen appears. A blue background is shown with the University of Derby three hills logo in white in the

Inaugural Lecture Series: Professor Marc Cowling video transcript and audio description. The Myths and Truths about Entrepreneurship. Skip to audio described version. Entrepreneurial Myths, Legends and Public Policy. The title of this talk is

Inaugural Lecture Series: Professor Siobhan Neary video transcript. Guiding the future: a professionalisation project for the career development sector. The title screen appears. A blue background is shown with the University of Derby three hills

Inaugural Lecture Series: Professor Stephan Reiff-Marganiec video transcript. Enabling a smart world through service computing and data processing architectures. The title screen fades in. A dark blue background appears with the University of Derby

Inaugural Lecture Series: Provost Research and Innovation, Professor Warren Manning video transcript. Out of Control: The Evolution and Future of Motoring and Mobility. The title screen appears. A blue background is shown with the University of

Inaugural Lecture video transcript. Inaugural lecture series. We begin with a title card showing the University of Derby logo with text underneath it that reads “Professional Inaugural Lectures.” Music fades in and we cut to shots of Professor

Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Research Cluster. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Research Cluster. Inclusion and Special Educational Needs Research Cluster. Inclusion as a human rights issue related

Inclusion at Derby. Inclusion at the University of Derby. Committed to you. At the University of Derby, we are committed to promoting diversity and equity through inclusive practice. This means that we will do everything we can to ensure that every

2020 ANNUAL REPORT. Independent Auditor’s Report to Governing Council of the University of Derby. Independent Auditors Report to the Governing Council 2020. Report on the audit of the financial statements. Opinion. We have audited the

2022 Annual Report. Independent Auditor’s Report to the Council of the University of Derby. Independent Auditors Report to the Governing Council 2022. Opinion on the financial statements. In our opinion, the financial statements:. give a true and

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