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Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Professor Zhiyin Yang's main role is to carry out high-quality research and lead research activities in the area of Thermofluids. He is a world-leading expert in large-eddy simulation (LES) and separated flow transition with more than 130 publications. He also teaches on Mechanical/Motorsport Engineering courses. 

Professor of Organisational Behavior and Human Resource Management

Ziguang is a Professor of Organisational Behavior and Human Resource Management, a member of the University Professorial Council and Internal Review Panel of ESRC grants at the University of Derby, UK.

Human Performance Unit. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Human Performance Unit. Utilising the state of the art sport science facilities within the newly developed sports centre, the Human Performance Unit has been established to provide expert

Human Performance Unit. Make an enquiry about the HPUMake an enquiry about the HPU. Human Performance Unit. Utilising the state of the art sport science facilities within the newly developed sports centre, the Human Performance Unit has been

Human Resource Management. Book your Postgraduate Open EventBook your Postgraduate Open Event. Human Resource Management postgraduate courses. Aim towards the higher levels of HR management with our flexible, progressive postgraduate programmes.

Identity, Culture and Representation Research Cluster. Identity, Culture and Representation Research Cluster. We are a centre of excellence in exploring and communicating the impacts of Derbyshire's heritage, from the local to the global. We bring

IHTTI School of Hotel Management (Neuchatel, Switzerland). IHTTI School of Hotel Management. is part of the Swiss Education Group (SEG). It is one of the most established hotel management schools in Switzerland with a long and proud history, located

Image Reporting Suite. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Image Reporting Suite. The suite is kitted out with 15 reporting workstations which benefit from PACS and RIS systems installed on and will be used by students on the Pg Cert Image

Immersive Interactive Simulation Suite. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Immersive Interactive Simulation Suite. Our students can gain experience using our Immersive Interactive Simulation Suite which combines innovative technology, virtual

Impact Assessment Report. Register your interestRegister your interest. Invest to Grow Impact Assessment Report. Impact Assessment Report. Invest to Grow currently provides grants and loans of between £15,000 and £250,000 to support East Midlands

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