Staff search

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Case Study

Since 2016, we’ve been helping manufacturing firm, Penny Hydraulics, expand, innovate and diversify its product offer. We’ve supported them with capital funding, collaborative research and innovation, and other projects which harness our academic expertise alongside graduate talent.

People Experience and Culture. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. People Experience and Culture. People Experience and Culture. During these competitive times, our students and customers are more demanding, and we need to be able to respond to

People of Faith and Belief. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. People of faith and belief. Celebrating our differences. People of Faith and Belief. Faith provision. At the University, we benefit from our close partnership with the Multi Faith

People Strategy. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. People. Strategy. The University of Derby’s Strategic Framework 2018-30 sets out our long-term direction and aspirations for our institution, our staff and our students. The Strategic

Peoplesoft. Campus Solutions. Accessibility Statement. Peoplesoft Campus Solutions. Using this website. The PeopleSoft Campus Solutions website is run by the University of Derby. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the site and

Performance Analysis Suite. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Performance Analysis Suite. Our Performance Analysis Suite is fully equipped with 20 dual screen iMac computers. Students will use this facility within teaching and practical sessions

Performance Sport. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Performance sport. Team Derby is the sporting identity of the University of Derby. We are committed to improving the performance of the University’s sports clubs. We run a sector-leading

Performing Arts and Theatre. Book your Postgraduate Open EventBook your Postgraduate Open Event. Performing Arts and Theatre postgraduate courses. Offering unique learning experiences, our postgraduate courses turn the spotlight on your talent and

Permanent graduate vacancies. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Permanent. graduate. vacancies. Do you have a vacancy for a professional role that is well suited to a newly qualified graduate? Maybe you even have a specific graduate development

Personal academic tutoring. Personal academic tutoring. Your one-to-ones. We are committed to implementing a new system of personal academic tutoring (PAT) for all undergraduate students. We recognise the value to students in having allocated time

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