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Annual Impact Report. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Annual Impact report 2023/24. Our ambition to be a University for Industry is growing and in the last 12 months, we have strengthened our existing partnerships with sector-leading

Annual Impact Report 2022-2023. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Annual Impact report 2022/23. Annual Impact Report 2022-2023. We are cementing our place as an ambitious university with local, national and global influence. Our reputation for

Annual Report 2023/24. Book your Open DayBook your Open Day. Annual Report - 2022/23. Annual Report 2023/24. 2022/2023 A Year in Review. The University’s Widening Participation Team supports the achievement of the University’s civic, access and

Annual Report on Research Integrity 2023-24. Annual Report on Research Integrity. Background. The University has, as a member of Universities UK, agreed to adhere to the commitments of the Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity (2019

Annual Reports. Annual reports. Welcome to the University of Derby Annual Reports portal. Here you'll find the most recent annual reports and statements to download. PDF Download). Report of the Governing Council 2024, including Energy and Carbon

Anonymous and E-Marking Policy. Anonymous and E-Marking Policy. 1. Purpose/Abstract. The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles and expectations for anonymous and electronic marking (e-marking) on taught programmes. 2. Introduction. The

Short course enquiry. Answering your questions. If you have a question about studying a short course you can contact us by email or phone:. E: For any enquiries regarding sport-related short courses please use the

Antecedents, outcomes, and mechanisms of employee and leader proactivity. Antecedents, outcomes, and mechanisms of employee and leader proactivity. Project summary. Understand reasons for and outcomes of employees’ and leaders’ proactive

ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING POLICY. Anti Money Laundering Policy. 1. Introduction. 2017 saw changes to the legislation concerning money laundering in the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017) for short.

Applicant Days. Book your Applicant DayBook your Applicant Day. Applicant Experience Days. As a University of Derby applicant, or if you are still thinking of applying for September 2025, we’d love to welcome you to our Applicant Experience Day.

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