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Blog post. A home away from home. When I made the decision to go abroad to further my education and settled to come to the United Kingdom, I didn’t know which school to choose as there were so many great universities in the country. By Mercy O.

Blog post. A Laughie a day – a new exercise, you say! Research by University of Derby Online alumna Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky led to the Laughie, a new way of improving wellbeing by encouraging people to laugh. In this blog, she explains why it is

Blog post. A personal insight into nursing placements. Many things can define your time during the journey to becoming a qualified nurse. Perhaps most defining are the many placements we embark upon during that time. I hope that this small insight

Blog post. ‘A Pestilential Wind Which Blasts the Prosperity of Nations’: War & Economic Sanctions in Ukraine. By Professor Keith McLay - 10 March 2022. In this blog, Professor Keith Mclay, a historian of war and warfare and Provost - Learning

A place called home: Living with the University of Derby video transcript. Halls events and social life. The University of Home from Home. [Upbeat music plays]. The camera pans around a student's bedroom. The student walks to University. We see a

Visitors to London’s Underground are warned to mind the gap – and the tourism industry will get the same advice when former International Tourism Consultant Jim Dixon speaks at the University of Derby on why the capital is leaving the UK

Two University of Derby students will have a taste of a totally different way of life when they take part in a Korean Culture Programme exchange in May, one of their colleagues who made the trip last year has said.

A Whole New World: Maps of the Derwent Valley Mills video transcript. Media gallery items. There is a pink screen with the words 'Being Human A Festival of the Humanities' written in white and the words 'A Whole Neww World: Maps of the Derwent

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