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Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances. Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances. I1 Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances Policy. I1.1 The policy is built around the following key principles. (i) Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EECs) are serious

Executive and. Professional. Education. Achieve your goals with our suite of flexible executive and professional education programmes, underpinned by expert teaching and inspired by the latest business and management thinking. Executive and

Executive Education. Executive Education. Upskill your workforce with our executive education offer. We help people and businesses to thrive and grow. Whether you are interested in bespoke workplace learning, developing your business strategy or

Executive Education and Enterprise Development. We work with people and businesses, supporting them to grow and thrive. We do this by providing a wide range of professional development options as well as opportunities to share ideas, evidence and

University Executive Expenses (2018-2022). Executive Expenses 2018-2022. 2021-22 academic year. Q4 2021-22 (May-Jul 2022). (In GBP. Totals rounded). Claimant. Subsistence. Mileage. Taxi. Pool Car. Rail. Hospitality. Accommodation. Flights. Other.

An exhibition was held in October to unveil concepts for a new community ‘Pavilion in the Park’ for Buxton, designed in collaboration with University of Derby Architectural Technology students and pupils from Buxton Junior School.

Exhibitions. Exhibitions. The Degree Show 2024: Made it. Our Degree Show offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the very best of emerging contemporary art and design practice from our final year students. Find out more about the Degree

Exhibitions. At Markeaton Street we exhibit an expansive mix of temporary and permanent collections to reflect the richness of the School of Arts. Our exhibitions are open to staff, students and the general public. Exhibitions. Exhibitions can range

Halls: Not Just for First Year Students. Existing students. A great choice of rooms. Every year hundreds of second, third and fourth-year students move into halls because they like the hassle-free living and sociable lifestyle that you get in our

EXISTING SUPPLIERS. Existing Suppliers. Existing suppliers should log in to the Supplier portal to access Purchase Orders, Negotiations and more. Stay up-to-date with our supplier alerts, guidance and advice via our Supplier Updates page. Guides.

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