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Prime offer (Sharing). Prime offer (shared). High-end rooms for just £133 a week. Our premium standard rooms are bright, comfortable and modern. They are similar in every way to our en-suite rooms except they have a wash basin instead of full

Healthcare is going to look very different over the next 15 years due to an ageing population; changing patterns of health and disease; the shift to delivery of more care in community settings; advances in care and treatment; and advances in technology to name but a few.
This module is a core requirement for all health professionals who wish to use ultrasound within their clinical practice. It will enable you to develop an understanding of the underlying principles of ultrasound and the ability to apply this knowledge in the safe use of ultrasound equipment

Print and Display. Register your interestRegister your interest. Print and Display Ltd. Investment in new print machinery to enable increased capacity and efficiencies, attract new customers and grow and expand product offerings. Print and Display.

Prison, rehabilitation and transition into the community: reconstruing personal change. Prison, rehabilitation and transition into the community: (Re)construing personal change. An inaugural lecture by Professor Nicholas Blagden. Prison,

Privacy and cookies. Privacy and cookies. Your information. Where you provide your name, email address or other personal information on this site (eg when you request a printed prospectus) this information is held in accordance with the Data

Privacy Notices. Privacy notices. Overview. Whether you are a student, member of staff or an organisation your privacy is important to us. Our privacy notices aim to advise you on the way we look after your data at various stages, including your

Private accommodation. Book your accommodationBook your accommodation. Private Accommodation. Private accommodation. Finding an accredited landlord. . What is landlord accreditation?. Accreditation provides students with the reassurance that a

Pro-environmental capabilities in SMEs. Pro-environmental capabilities in SMEs. Project summary. The vast proportion of SMEs contributing to the low carbon and circular economies are micro-businesses. With funding streams for ‘low carbon’

Process Thinking Research Cluster. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Process Thinking Research Cluster. Process Thinking Research Cluster. The Process Thinking Cluster is an applied research cluster that is focused on process innovation. Process

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