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Mental Health Nursing - your questions answered! video transcript. Course description. My name is Angela Pereira, I'm a senior lecturer on the Mental Health Nursing team at the University of Derby. The Mental Health Nursing BSc programme is a

Blog post. Mental health nursing student Alex reveals his secret. By Alex Balcon - 17 February 2022. The secret. “Mr Balcon, is there anything you’d like to add?”. I sit in a congested clinic room. Populated with an armoury of mental health

A mental health psychologist is to explore what separates our species from being the cruellest to the most compassionate on the planet in a lecture at the University of Derby next week.

Mervyn Allcock MBE. Mervyn Allcock. Credit: Ede & Ravenscroft. Commendation. Mervyn Allcock MBE was awarded Honorary Master of the University (HonMUniv) in November 2019 at Derby Arena in recognition of his achievement in re-opening and developing

Message from the Union of Students. Message from Union of Students. Hello and welcome from the Union of Students, University of Derby. These documents contain the academic policies, procedures and regulations about your rights and responsibilities

Message from the Union of Students. Message from Union of Students. Hello and welcome from the Union of Students, University of Derby. These documents contain the academic policies, procedures and regulations about your rights and responsibilities

Message from the Union of Students. Message from Union of Students. Hello and welcome from the Union of Students, University of Derby. These documents contain the academic policies, procedures and regulations about your rights and responsibilities

Metabolic Disorders and Cancer Research Centre. Make an enquiryMake an enquiry. Metabolic Disorders and Cancer Research Centre. Metabolic Disorders and Cancer Research Centre. The Cancer and Metabolic Disorders Research Centre encompasses academics

Case Study

University of Derby research has delivered metal 3D printing solutions for a range of industrial applications, helping businesses to improve their efficiency and productivity.

Case Study

Our Accounting and Finance degree gave Michael Hackley all the knowledge and skills he needed for his career when he joined leading accounting firm PwC.

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