research student

Aimeric Landou

Research Student


College of Science and Engineering





I am a PhD student who learned to love algebra, statistics and mathematics in general, computer programming, and physics, in particular cosmology, particle physics and astronomy.

As part of my thesis, I am helping to write analysis tools to prepare for the upcoming upgrade of one of the giant detectors inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN: ALICE (European Organization for Nuclear Research's A Large Ion Collider Experiment). There, two lead or hydrogen nuclei travelling at speeds close to the speed of light will collide every 20 microseconds or so, giving birth to thousands of particles that escape in every direction and leave traces inside the detectors every collision.

One of the main missions of ALICE is the study of the quark-gluon plasma, a peculiar state of matter, which is assumed to have existed in the very first instants of the universe. It consists in unconfined quarks (that when bound form particles like the proton and neutron) and gluons (vectors of the strong interaction, like photons for the electromagnetic force) interacting with each other.

My task focuses on retrieving and analysing one particular kind of signal among those events: the decay of hadrons (particles made out of quarks) with a strange component (one of the six flavours of quark), with a mean lifetime too short to be precisely measured with the detector before the ongoing upgrade.

Thesis Title 

Online reconstruction in the ALICE Run 3 continuous readout environment

