I have profound expertise in muti-disciplinary teaching and research. I can work on a diverse set of disciplines in computer science. I have been awarded a total research funding equivalent to GBP 54,649 till date. I am the Principal Investigator of 2 research projects. In June 2023, one of my research projects titled “The Secure, Low Power and Minimum Latency Cyber Physical System for 6G (SUPER CPS - 6G)” was shortlisted on national level and I was awarded a research grant of INR 16,86,992 (GBP 16,140.74) by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India to work on my research project at Brunel university London, UK. as a part of SERB International Research Experience grant. In August 2023, I was awarded a research grant of INR 18,87,336 (GBP 18,057.59) as the Principal Investigator for my research project approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
I have published over 17 quality research papers including ten SCI-Expanded, ESCI, and Web of Science, Scopus indexed journal publications in reputed journals of IEEE, Springer and IGI Global, and 8 Scopus-indexed conference publications in the domains of Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, Cyber Security, and Edge Computing. In addition, I published an Indian patent on Artificial Intelligence in November 2021.
Teaching responsibilities
I have teaching and research responsibilities in the United Kingdom as well as China. I am collaborating with Shenyang University of Technology, China and Hunan University of Technology, China, as part of University of Derby.
Research interests
I have research expertise and has publications in the following domains.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Internet of Things.
- Software Engineering.
- Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Fifth generation (5G) and sixth generation (6G) communication.
- Quantum Computing.
- Cyber Security.
- Edge Computing.
Experience in industry
I am serving as advisor/ mentor to the following institutes.
- Computer Science and Digital Technology Advisor in Ophthalmology at Etelä-
Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue (Seinajoki Central Hospital), Finland.
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity Advisor at the Internationale Nederlanden
Groep (ING), Netherlands.
- Mentor For the Best Innovation Project Award at SRM University, Delhi-NCR, Sonepat,
Haryana, India.
- Digital Technology Advisor for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, India.
International experience
I have been internationally recognised and invited to collaborate in research by the following prestigious institutions.
- Brunel University London, UK.
- York University, Canada.
- ING (Internationale Nederlanden Groep), Netherlands.
- National University of Singapore.
- University of British Columbia, Canada.
- Stanmore College, Middlesex, UK.
- Parwan University, Afghanistan.
- Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Delhi, India.
- Seinajoki Hospital, Finland.
I am serving as reviewer to the following international journals.
- IEEE Access, 2024.
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022.
- Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Nature, 2022.
- Cluster Computing, Springer Nature, 2024.
- Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Nature, 2024.
Additional interests and activities
I have been invited as a honorary speaker in the following events.
- Serving as a speaker at ESET UK-Art of Cyberwar hosted by Speakers Corner, London,
UK, June 2024.
- Served as a Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Science & Technology, London, UK, April 2024.
- Served as a Keynote Speaker and session chair at the 9th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, UK, 2024.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture and a special research session on Cyber Security at Stanmore College, UK, 2022.
- Letter of Appreciation for serving as a Guest Speaker at Excel Engineering College, India, 2021.
- Certificate of Appreciation for serving as a Guest Speaker in a webinar organised by the E-Learning Committee of Parwan University, Afghanistan, 2020.
Recent publications
Selected Journal Publications
- Kaushik, A. and Al-Raweshidy, H., 2024. A novel intrusion detection system for internet of things devices and data. Wireless Networks, Springer,30(1), pp.285-294. (SCI Expanded Indexed) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor: 3.0)
- Kaushik, A., Vadlamani, L.S.S., Hussain, M.M., Sahay, M., Singh, R., Singh, A.K., Indu, S., Goswami, P. and Kousik, N.G.V., 2023. Post quantum public and private key cryptography optimized for IoT security. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer,129(2), pp.893-909. (SCI Expanded Indexed) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor: 2.2)
- Kaushik, A. and Al-Raweshidy, H.S., 2022. A Hybrid Latency-and Power-Aware Approach for Beyond Fifth-Generation Internet-of-Things Edge Systems. IEEE Access, 10, pp.87974-87989. (SCI Expanded Indexed) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor: 3.9)
- Kaushik, A., Goswami, M., Manuja, M., Indu, S. and Gupta, D., 2020. A binary PSO approach for improving the performance of wireless sensor networks. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, 113, pp.263-297. (SCI Expanded Indexed) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor: 2.2)
- Kaushik, A., Indu, S. and Gupta, D., 2019. A grey wolf optimization approach for improving the performance of wireless sensor networks. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, 106, pp.1429-1449. (SCI Expanded Indexed) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor: 2.2)
- Kaushik, A., Indu, S. and Gupta, D., 2019. A grey wolf optimization based algorithm for optimum camera placement. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer,105, pp.1143-1167. (SCI Expanded Indexed) (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor: 2.2)
- Kaushik, A., Indu, S. and Gupta, D., 2019. Adaptive mobile sink for energy efficient WSN using biogeography-based optimization. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), 10(3), pp.1-22. (Web of Science & ESCI Indexed) (Scopus Indexed)
- Kaushik, A., Yakkali, R.T., Indu, S., Ahmed, F., Gupta, D., Nayar, R. and Yadav, S., 2019. A self-configurable event coverage approach for wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), 10(2), pp.1-18. (Web of Science & ESCI Indexed) (Scopus Indexed)
- Kaushik, A., Kumar, S., Luthra, S. and Haleem, A., 2014. Technology transfer: enablers and barriers–a review. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 14(2), pp.133-159. (Scopus Indexed)
- Kaushik, A., Indu, S. and Gupta, D., 2016. An Extended BBO based Energy Conservation Algorithm for Clustering and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9(34), pp. 29-41. (Scopus Indexed)
- Kaushik, A., Indu, S. and Gupta, D., 2019. Nature-inspired algorithms in wireless sensor networks. In Nature-inspired algorithms for big data frameworks(pp. 246-275). IGI Global. (Scopus Indexed)
Funded Research Projects
- In June 2023, one of my research projects was shortlisted on a national level and I was
awarded a research grant of INR 16,86,992 (GBP 16,283) by the Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India to work on my research project at Brunel
university London U.K. as a part of SERB International Research Experience grant.
- In August 2023, I received a research grant of INR 18,87,336 (equivalent to GBP
18,217) for my research project titled “A study report on research on indigenous
development of membranes for hospital wastewater treatment in India to promote its
recycle and reuse.” as principal investigator from the Department of Scientific and
Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- In April 2023, I received a Research SEED Grant worth INR 90,000 (equivalent to GBP
885) for one of my research projects titled, An Internet of Things based High-Altitude
Snowfall and Avalanche Prediction Mechanism, from SRM University Delhi-NCR,
Sonepat, Haryana, India