Staff profile

Dr Asad Abdi

Lecturer in Computer Science

Photo of Dr Asad Abdi, Lecturer in Computer Science




College of Science and Engineering


School of Computing





I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) of Computer Science at the University of Derby, School of Computing, College of Science and Engineering at the University of Derby.  I actively contribute to the innovative group at the Data Science Research Centre, in the areas of data science and artificial intelligence.
I held a position as a Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Twente, Netherlands and held a post-doctoral position in the UTM Big Data Centre at the University of Technology Malaysia. I also served a Research Assistant position in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Malaya (UM)

I am a passionate advocate of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural language Processing (NLP). My research focuses on developing computers that can intelligently process and understand human languages. I have published several papers in many areas of AI, NLP, and data mining. My PhD research was awarded two honorable Gold Medals from NIIDR 2015 and iidex 2016, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

Teaching responsibilities

Currently, I am the module leader of the following modules:

Previously, I have taught the following courses:

University of Twente, Netherlands:

University of Technology Malaysia:

Project Supervisor:

Professional interests

As a research member of the Data Science Research Centre (DSRC), I contribute to the development of real-world applications with industrial partners, using data science and artificial intelligence to create innovative solutions for industries. In particular, I am part of the Digital Society Research Cluster. This interdisciplinary group collaborates to address complex challenges within modern society by leveraging digital technologies and data science. We work across diverse fields, including natural language processing, AI for social justice and security, business applications of data science, transport, education, and climate change. I am also part of the Education and AI research group. 

I am also keen to collaborate with scientists and domain experts from diverse fields to conduct interdisciplinary research in data science.

Research interests

My primary focus is on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and their application in solving real-world problems. Over the past few years, my research has concentrated on the following areas:

Funded Research Projects:

To find out more about what I do, take a look at my papers.

Membership of professional bodies

Professional Memberships and Activities

Member of Editorial Board

Guest Editor

Session chair

Program Committee & Reviewer (Conference):

1-Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (2018, 2019, 2020, 2023).

2-International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) (2022, 2025).

3-Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) (2019, 2020, 2022, 2024).

4-Joint LREC-COLING (2024).

5-International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems (2023, 2024).

6-AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2021, 2022).

7-AACL-IJCNLP (Asian Association for Computational Linguistics) (2022).

8-Conference on Language Modeling (2024).

9-IEEE AICT Conference (2017, 2018).

10-Other Conferences

Technical Reviewer of the Journal - ISI indexed

Regular reviewer for a range of prestigious journals in computer science, information science, artificial. intelligence, and applied computing.


University of Derby (UOD), United Kingdom

University of Twente (UT), University Teaching Qualification (UTQ), Netherlands.

Recent conferences

The list of the selected conference papers is as follows:

Experience in industry

I have worked in the industry for 9 years as an instructor and data processing expert. This experience provided me with the opportunity to translate knowledge gained in the laboratory into practical products and to enhance production processes by incorporating the latest technologies.


International experience