research student

Callum Woolman

Postgraduate Research Student

Callum wearing a blue t shirt and glasses by a window, smiling with mouth open.




College of Health, Psychology and Social Care





I am a full-time primary school teacher with core subject leadership responsibilities (STEM Leader) within inner-city Birmingham undertaking part-time doctoral studies at the University of Derby, researching the impact of teaching strategies to enhance social cognition within young children. 

My passion in this research area was fuelled by my undergraduate research project when investigating concept cartoon use in primary science lessons to develop theory of mind abilities in Year One children, being the sole author of two peer-reviewed papers from this project. This led me to used evidence-based practice throughout my teaching career.

I enjoy taking the time, working with children across the school, to promote environmental awareness and develop their understanding of climate change, promoting Science Capital. This also includes celebrating international initiatives such as Women in STEM, Space Week and Earth Day to (hopefully) inspire scientists, engineers and mathematicians of the future.   

Thesis title 

A Pedagogical Tool to Develop Theory of Mind in Young Children. 


Teaching responsibilities

Currently teaching the Primary National Curriculum to Year Four pupils full-time at an inner-city primary school (Birmingham City Council) whilst undertaking STEM leadership responsibilities, including Mathematics, Computing and Design & Technology subject coordination. 

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Woolman, C. (2021, January 23). The Impact of the Yoni task as a measure of Theory of Mind on Executive Functions. Online Psychology Student Research and Careers Conference, University of Derby

Recent publications