Staff profile

Charlotte Mosey

Assistant Head of Discipline: Primary Initial Teacher Training and Education


Teacher Training



I am Assistant Head of Discipline for the Primary Initial Teacher Training and Education team. Prior to this, I was a Primary Teacher with leadership experience across multiple phases of education for over fifteen years. My subject specialisms are Primary Foreign Languages, English and History. My guiding principles include autonomy, choice, self-reflection and equality. 

Teaching responsibilities

I teach across both undergraduate, postgraduate and international ITT/E programmes with a focus on English, Primary Foreign Languages and Inclusion, specifically adaptive teaching and providing opportunity for all. 

Professional interests

I have an interest in all aspects of inclusion and inclusive practice and have written extensively on adaptive teaching. I have developed a CPD offer for schools to support them with embedding adaptive practice across the curriculum and I am passionate about preparing beginning teachers to be informed and ethical professionals. 

I completed Advance HE's Aurora women in leadership programme in 2024. 

Research interests

I have published a text focusing upon the development of fundamental skills in English for students and also the impact of adaptive teaching for all learners. 

I am now using my ongoing research looking specifically at adaptive teaching to offer CPD support to our partnership schools.

Collaborating with a school in Tower Hamlets, London who are currently undertaking work linked to adaptive approaches in their setting, I submitted a paper to Impact Journal outlining our journey so far, linking school practice to university research as a partnership. 

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Experience in industry

I have worked at the university for over seven years, as a senior lecturer in education and also Programme Leader for both the BEd and MEdu routes to QTS.

International experience

I completed the final element of my PGCE primary teacher training in two inner city schools in Nancy and Metz, Northern France. 

Recent publications