Staff profile

Dr David Elliott

Associate Professor in Microbiology

Dr David Elliott sampling soil in central Australia


Biological Sciences, Environmental Science


College of Science and Engineering


School of Science

Research centre

Environmental Sustainability Research Centre




Kedleston Road, Derby Campus



I am Associate Professor in Microbiology with broad interests covering clinical, technological, environmental, and theoretical topics. I teach microbiology and my research is focused on understanding microbial communities in soil. These topics are all supported by current advances in molecular biology, especially high-throughout DNA sequencing and bio-informatics.

Research interests

My major interest is the study of microbial communities and their interactions with the environment. I try to find out why microbes live in particular places and what function they have there. This includes all sorts of environments including:

PhD supervision (current)

PhD supervision (completed)

Recent publications

Journal papers

Please check my websiteGoogle Scholar and Researchgate for more publications and links to full text.

Membership of professional bodies

Professional interests

I'm interested in the open access movement for the equitable access to scholarly works and computer code. In support of this, I sit on relevant panels within the university to advise on policy and implementation which I think is important for enhancing our research environment. I accordingly make an effort to openly share my data and code in published works.


Recent conferences

Experience in industry

International experience

Teaching responsibilities

Additional interests and activities

I lead on digital skills for School of Environmental Sciences as I have long-standing interest and expertise in computers. 

Working groups and committees etc:

A landscape image of a lake and moorland

Dr David Elliott has extensive multidisciplinary experience researching how microbes impact upon our lives and environment. Here he examines how far the latest government Budget will go to advance environmental sustainability in the UK.