Staff profile

George Ellison

Senior Lecturer Law




College of Business, Law and Social Sciences


Derby Law School


One Friar Gate Square, Derby Campus



I'm a Senior Lecturer in Law and specialise in teaching public law, human rights, and crime. I specialise in constitutional law, civil liberties and human rights. I look at individual rights and how the state engages in those rights. Students are given clients to understand the legality and engagement of the state in such areas.  

I help run the internal and external mooting competitions. 

I am currently researching for a PhD in the legal issues associated to end of life decisions. 

Visiting Professor Brno University. 

Teaching responsibilities

Professional interests

Currently, I am studying for a PhD in the area of end of life decisions. I am looking at the legality of the decisions with a view of creating a legal basis for such decisions to be made protecting individual autonomy. 

Research interests

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Experience in industry

I worked for Merseyside police for 33 years, latterly as a detective sergeant in the serious crime unit. I was also engaged in training and was part of a team responsible for the introduction of the police degree programme.

In the media

  • Media Trained for the Police
  • I recently have given several radio interviews on the context of Brexit