Staff profile

Professor Geraldene Codina


Professor of Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability (ISEND)

Geraldine Codina


Education, Childhood and SEND


College of Arts, Humanities and Education


Institute of Education

Research centre

Centre for Educational Research and Innovation





I am a Professor of Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability (ISEND), as part of this role I lead the University of Derby’s ISEND Research Cluster.

Focussed on inclusion as a human rights issue related to social justice, my work connects research and practice as the basis for improving the lives of children with a label of special educational needs and disability. My research often involves working with school/college leaders of inclusion as close-to-practice researchers. Drawing on hermeneutic phenomenology, an overarching theme of my work concerns the centralising of people’s lived experience accounts and the voices of children/young people and their families. 

As part of my role, I work with a range of organisations and people; for example, international and national government departments, Local Authorities, nasen Whole School SEND, SDSA, multi-academy trusts, schools, Headteachers, SENCOs and school teachers. This work involves me in leading research projects, providing conference keynotes, knowledge exchange activities, and writing for publication. Previously I taught Initial Teacher Education (ITE) students (PGCE and BA) and worked as the Head of Quality for a university Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care.

Prior to working in Higher Education, I worked as a Senior Leader, Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), and school teacher in both special and mainstream settings.

Past Projects (Recent)

Current Projects

Teaching responsibilities

Research interests

My research interests focus on inclusive education, social inclusion, SENCO Leadership, Supported Internships and employment, communities of practice, teachers as researchers, universal provision and quality first practice.

Doctoral Supervisions: Current students

Doctoral Supervisions: Completed students

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Invited Conferences 

Refereed Conference Proceedings 

Experience in industry

Recent publications

Impact Case Study REF 2021

Peer Reviewed Journals Articles

Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals

Books and Chapters

Funded Research Reports

Funded Publications for Practising SENCOs and Teachers

Unfunded Publications for Practising SENCOs and Teachers

 Blog/Magazine publication