Staff profile

Dr Liam Maloy


Senior Lecturer in Education (Research)

Staff member Liam Maloy smiling at the camera


College of Arts, Humanities and Education





I am a Senior Lecturer (Research) in the Institute of Education at the University of Derby.

I currently work on the innovative award winning Young Researchers Young Voices project which employs five young people with special needs and disabilities as co-researchers to gather and analyse data about children and young people with special needs and disabilities. The research focusses on how children and young people with SEND are involved in the decisions made about their support, how much agency they have in the process, and their lived experiences of SEND support. 

I was the lead researcher on the three-year Researching Arts in Primary Schools (RAPS) project led by Professor Pat Thomson at the University of Nottingham which examined 40 arts-rich primary schools.

Teaching responsibilities

My teaching experience includes:

  • Eighteen years as an HE in FE lecturer and degree course leader in Popular Music Performance
  • Lecturing in the Department of Culture, Media & Visual Studies, University of Nottingham
  • Lecturing in Popular Music at Nottingham Trent University
  • Music workshops for Primary PGCE students (School of Education, University of Nottingham)
  • Music and Mental Health workshops (School of Education, University of Nottingham)
  • Workshops on Shakespeare's plays to primary and SEND students as an Associate Artist (Music)

I welcome potential doctoral candidates in the intersectional areas of education, music, the arts, SEND, inclusion and student voice.

Research interests

My main research interests include:

The co-authored (with Pat Thomson and Chris Hall),Researching the Arts in Primary Schools - The RAPS Project - report on the benefits of arts education has recently been published.

My work with Pat also includes:

a rapid evidence review on arts, craft and design education

articles on student progression and student's participation in research

and corruption in the education system


I am an experienced mixed methods researcher and have interviewed and surveyed thousands of children, young people, teachers, heads, arts leads, visiting artists and outreach staff from arts and music organisations.

My PhD was on music made for children. My book 'Spinning the Child: Musical Constructions of Childhood through Records, Radio and Television' (Routledge 2021) and other publications examine how music made for children constructs discourses and ideals of childhood.

Other publications include journal articles and chapters on the quantitative analysis of children’s music, rock music for children, children’s singing voices ('Autotuning Hannah Montana'), humour in children's music, issues of authorship and originality in music, and the music of the Joy Division biopic ‘Control’, a film I worked on as a band rehearsal coach.

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Experience in industry

Full time major label artist in the music industry 1994-1998

Additional interests and activities

Recent publications

For a full list of my publications, visit: