Staff profile

Dr Nel Beaumont

Senior Lecturer


College of Science and Engineering


School of Science


Kedleston Road, Derby Campus



Teaching responsibilities

Module leaderships

Research interests


International experience

Additional interests and activities

Recent publications

Beaumont, E. S., Briers, E., and Harrison, E. (2019) Slow on the draw: The representation of turtles, terrapins and tortoises in children's literature. Early Childhood Education Journal

Beaumont, E. S., Mudd, P., Turner, I. J., and Barnes, K. (2017) Cetacean frustration: The representation of whales and dolphins in picture books for young children. Early Childhood Education Journal 45(4) 545-551doi:10.1007/s10643-016-0819-5

Mikhaylov, N., Beaumont, E., and Fierro, I. (2016) Social capital development strategy and collaborative knowledge creation in higher education: The UK and Turkey. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2016 Proceedings, 806 - 815. ISBN: 978-84-617-5895-1

Mikhaylov, N., Fierro, I., and Beaumont, E. (2016) The influences of capital development strategies choice on international management students' collaborative knowledge creation: Turkey and Ecuador. International Technology, Education and Development 2016 Proceedings, 7682 - 7691. doi 10.21125/inted.2016.0815

Beaumont, E. S., and Wilkinson, A.-S. (2015) I am really ever so not good at graph drawing: The Charlie and Lola approach to Lineweaver-Burk plots. The Chemical Educator, 20: 1-2

Glavaschi, A., and Beaumont, E. S. (2014) The escape behaviour of wild Greek tortoises Testudo graeca with an emphasis on geometrical shape discrimination. Basic and Applied Herpetology, 28: 21 - 33

Turner, I. J., and Beaumont, E. S. (2013) Lonely heart columns: A novel and entertaining way of teaching students abstract writing skills. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 1(3)

Beaumont, E. S., Rowe, G., and Mikhaylov, N. S. (2012) Promoting interactive learning: A classroom exercise to explore foraging strategies. Bioscience Education, 19. DOI 10.11120/beej.2012.19000008

Beaumont, E. S., Zárate, P., Zardus, J. D., Dutton, P. H., and Seminoff, J. A. (2008) Epibiont occurrence in Galapagos green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at nesting and feeding grounds. NOAA Technical Memo NMFS SEFSC, 569: 8

Zardus, J. D., Zárate, P., and Beaumont, E.S. (2008) Benign buddies and harmful hitchhikers: Consequences of the connection of barnacles with sea turtles. NOAA Technical Memo NMFS SEFSC, 569: 34

Zárate, P., Beaumont, E. S., Dutton, P. H., and Seminoff, J. A. (2008) Comparing the impact of native and introduced predators on green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. NOAA Technical Memo NMFS SEFSC, 569: 116

Pemberton, E., Parris, C., Walters, R., David, C., David, K., Walters, A., Barret, A., Anslyn, A., Isles, S., Percival, A., Kelly, O., and Beaumont, E. (2008) Preliminary assessment of hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) beach usage in Nevis, West Indies. NOAA Technical Memo NMFS SEFSC 567: 146

Beaumont, E.S., and Goold, J. C. (2007) Cheap and accessible method to aid individual photo-identification of grey seals, Halichoerus grypus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 87(5590): 1 - 7

Beaumont, N. (2007) Talking rubbish: Environmental pollution by plastics. JMBA Global Marine Environment, 28

Walker, D., McHenry, M., Hickey, R., Clemente, S., and Beaumont, E. S. (2005) Mapping cetacean biodiversity in the Bay of Biscay. European Research on Cetaceans 19. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. La Rochelle, France. European Cetacean Society

Harrison, E., Tröeng, S., Arancibia, C., Astorga, M., Beaumont, N., Berdie, I., Blanvillain, G., Decastro, N., Richards, A., Trott, S., and Rankin, E. (2002) Report on the 2002 Leatherback Program at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Annual report to Caribbean Conservation Corporation, the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica, and Care For the Wild International

Clarkeburn, H., Beaumont, E., Downie, R., and Reid, N. (2000) Teaching biology students transferable skills. Journal of Biological Education, 34: 133 - 137

Lindsay, H., Beaumont, E., Richards, S. D., Kelly, S. M., Sanderson, S. J., Price, N. C., and Lindsay, J. G. (2000) FAD insertion is essential for attaining the assembly competence of the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) monomer from Escherichia coli, Journal of Biological Chemistry 275(47): 36665 - 36670

Beaumont, E. and Reid, N. (1999) Bringing work experience to undergraduates. Education in Chemistry, 36: 23 - 24

Beaumont, E. (1997) Air, Land and Water, Interactive Teaching Unit, Centre for Science Education, University of Glasgow Press

Beaumont, E. (1997) A problem of production. Interactive Teaching Unit, Centre for Science Education, Univeristy of Glasgow Press

West, S. M., Rice, J. E., Beaumont, E. S., Kelly, S. M., Price, N. C., and Lindsay, J. G. (1995) Dissociation and unfolding of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by guanidinium chloride. Biochemical Journal, 308: 1025 - 1029