Staff profile

Crispin Owen

University Technical Manager

Crispin Owen stood on the balcony in Markeaton Street.


College of Arts, Humanities and Education, College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, College of Science and Engineering


School of Allied Health and Social Care, School of Arts, School of Built and Natural Environment, School of Computing and Engineering, School of Environmental Sciences, School of Human Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery, School of Psychology


Chandos Pole Street, Derby Campus, Derby Campus, Derby Theatre, Kedleston Road and Britannia Mill, Derby Campus, Lonsdale House, Markeaton Street, Derby Campus, Oaklands Manor, Buxton Campus, St Helena, Chesterfield



I am the University Technical Manager with responsibility for the strategic development, operation and management of Technical Services across the University. This high-quality and complex technical resource  supports the advancing of the student experience, developing research activity and contributing to innovation. Technical Services colleagues provide support to the Colleges of Arts, Humanities and Education, Science and Engineering and Health Psychology and Social Care.  

I am part of College Executive Teams providing strategic planning for Technical Services and resources. I also lead a management team of Technical Team Leaders who represent the Technical voice in areas such as health and safety, training and development, research and innovation, marketing and academic practice.

I also liaise with professional services such as Estates for the development and maintenance of College buildings and responsible for site management and associated space planning for all College occupied sites and spaces, and the implementation of effective health and safety management within the Colleges. 

Research interests

The starting point for my creative work was the idea of the ‘container’ as a form of 'wunderkammer', or cabinet of curiosity, where the collections are held, contained and ultimately displayed. I have developed these ideas using traditional ceramic craft skills, with throwing used as a way to create the multiple forms and containers. This gives me a direct, fast and fluid connection with the material and the making process.

Membership of professional bodies
