Staff profile

Parminder Johal

Head of Discipline for Accounting, Economics and Finance

Parminder Johal


Accounting, Economics and Finance


College of Business, Law and Social Sciences


Derby Business School

Research centre

Accounting Research Cluster, Centre for Business Improvement


Derby Campus



My role at Derby is multifaceted, combining teaching and learning, research, management and leadership and governance.

As Head of Accounting, I lead a team of passionate and dedicated professionals. We deliver a range of accounting, economics and finance programmes designed to give students choice, flexibility, and opportunity to progress from undergraduate to postgraduate/professional study, and ultimately enjoy a rewarding career in a profession of their choosing.

I am a professionally qualified accountant and a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Chartered Global Management Accountants (CGMA). Prior to joining higher education, I worked in the industry as a senior financial analyst for BT plc based in London.

Teaching responsibilities

I have substantial experience in teaching a range of modules from accounting for non-accounting students to teaching professional accounting qualifications. Some of the modules I have taught include:

My experience extends to work I have carried out with a number of international collaborative partners, independent education/training institutions and companies in the private and public sector. I have also delivered training to companies such as JCB, Marley Eternit and Derby City Council.

Professional interests

I have completed the Aurora Women in Leadership Programme and am now a mentor for this programme. 

I am very passionate about education, particularly Accounting education and am therefore interested in pedagogy practice and how it can influence the student experience. Whilst in Higher Education I have become a Senior Fellow of Advance Higher Education (Advance HE). 

My professional interest is closely aligned with my subject discipline and the changing nature of this discipline. I am also interested in how higher education aligns itself and delivers to both the ever-changing nature of the accountancy profession and the needs of the employer/market.

Research interests

My research interest lies in investigating accounting practices within SMEs, family-owned businesses and across international borders. In particular, focusing on Capital Budgeting and Governance Structure (at company level).

I am also interested in pedagogy practices across Accounting Education.

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Experience in industry

Following my time in the private sector with BT plc and my transfer to HE, I have maintained a level of input to the industry through a combination of commercial activity and voluntary activity such as trustee board member role/governor roles.

Other activities that I have engaged in include:

International experience

Teaching and learning activity/staff development/programme development at:

Additional interests and activities

My family and sport. I spend most of my free time on the netball court or walking.

Recent publications