Staff profile

Dr Paul Whickman

Senior Lecturer in English

Paul Whickman in a classroom.


English, Creative Writing and Publishing


College of Arts, Humanities and Education



Research centre

Identity, Culture and Representation Research Centre




Kedleston Road, Derby Campus



I am a Senior Lecturer in English and a Programme Leader for MA English. I'm also a Fellow of the English Association (FEA).

Research interests

My research interests lie in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (primarily Romanticism), and censorship and free speech more widely. My monograph, titled Blasphemy and Politics in Romantic Literature: Creativity in the Writing of Percy Bysshe Shelley, was published by Palgrave in 2020. I have published articles in journals such as the Keats-Shelley Review and the Keats-Shelley Journal and was previously a contributor to the Year's Work in English Studies (2015-2018). I was also an academic advisor on both Lord Byron and Percy Shelley for Gale/Cengage's Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism and Poetry Criticism series. I have also published chapters in The Routledge Companion to Freedom of Expression and Censorship (Routledge, 2023) and Free Speech Wars (MUP, 2021). Particular writers of interest include Percy Shelley, Wordsworth, Keats and Byron.

I am currently working on two books. The first is a short book on eighteenth-century legacies in Romantic poetry with the working title Romantic Poetry and the Eighteenth Century: New Approaches to Wordsworth, Byron and Shelley. I am also working on a longer work provisionally titled Poetry, Sound and Voice in the Long Eighteenth Century that interrogates eighteenth- and nineteenth-century conceptions of written poetry's relationship to sound. 

Additional research interests include the intersection of poetry and philosophy; poetry and religion: the poetics of temporality; poetry, sound and voice; the relationship between the vernacular and the literary; eighteenth-century legacies; Romantic Derbyshire.

I am currently supervising a PhD project on the Literary Heritage of the Derwent Valley and look forward to hearing from potential students interested in any of the above or related topics.

I am the chair of the Identity, Culture and Representation research cluster (ICR) and co-chair of the Enlightenment and Romanticism Research cluster.

Recent publications

Since 2013

In Press


Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Conference presentations and invited papers (since 2013)

In the media

I was a contributor to the Radio 4 series 'Pride or Prejudice: How We Read Now', first broadcast in 2021. I appear in episode 2, 'Teaching Novels', about teaching material deemed offensive or otherwise subject to censorship.

Teaching responsibilities

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year
