Staff profile

Rhona Woodward

Administrative Assistant

Rhona Woodward at Blends, University of Derby


Learning and Teaching


I work within Digital Solutions and Services as part of the admin team that provides support to the Digital Learning Team and also Learning and Teaching. I support DELTA: Digital and I am responsible for scheduling the DELTA: Digital sessions on MyHub as well as updating MyHub records with session attendance and processing bookings for collaborative partners. I also maintain the schedule of DELTA: Digital events on the SharePoint site.

I support the review process for admissions onto the Academic Professional Apprenticeship (APA) or the Pathfinder scheme, which allow colleagues to gain Fellowship of Advance HE. As part of this work, I contact academics new to the university to identify the best route for them to follow to achieve fellowship.

I have experience in finance work, including knowledge of Oracle Finance and purchasing. I currently support aspects of finance work for the Digital Learning Team and Learning and Teaching. I process departmental transfers for work undertaken by the Digital Media Producers, and I also process the payment of student bursaries for the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (URSS).