Shelby Judge


Early Career Academic


College of Arts, Humanities and Education





I am an Early Career Academic in Creative and Cultural Industries. In this role, I research digital feminist and popular feminist responses to Incels and the manosphere. My broader research interests are 21st century women's writing, feminist theory, queer theory, and radical adaptations. I am a committee member for the BAAS and US Embassy funded Transatlantic Literary Women network. 

Teaching responsibilities

I teach on the following modules: 

I co-lead the following module: 

Research interests

My current research investigates Incels and the manosphere. I am interested in how digital feminist activism and books written by women for general audiences are raising awareness and affecting change in this field. I am also interested in the contentious relationship between the manosphere and the Alt-Right, and their impact in both online and offline society. 

Previously, my doctoral research focused on contemporary feminist adaptations of Greek myth, the trends within this genre, and what these texts revealed about current concerns within feminism and feminist theory. 

Membership of professional bodies


Recent conferences

Invited talks

 Selected conference papers and workshops

In the media

Recent publications

See my research on my ORCID profile or on my ResearchGate profile.